This article discusses the specific aspects of speech disorders in children. It should be noted that there are some forms of speech disorders observed in children, and they differ from each other according to their content and nature. Timely elimination of speech disorders in children is the basis for preventing them from becoming a serious disease in the future.

  • Read count 3
  • Date of publication 25-05-2024
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages150-153

This article discusses the specific aspects of speech disorders in children. It should be noted that there are some forms of speech disorders observed in children, and they differ from each other according to their content and nature. Timely elimination of speech disorders in children is the basis for preventing them from becoming a serious disease in the future.

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Eshmatova R.. direction 2nd course Nukus State Pedagogical Institute
Name of reference
1 Luria A. R. Basic neurolinguistic problems. -M.: MGU, 1975.2.Ferdinand de Saussure. Trudy po yazykoznaniyu. -M., 1977.3.Rozhdestvensky Yu. V. Typology is a word. -M., 1969.4.Kodukhov V. I. Obshchee yazykoznanie. -M., 2010.5.Amirova T., Olkhovikov B. A., Rozhdestvensky Yu. V. Ocherki po istorii linguistic. -M., 1975.