This article deals with proper names and their meaning, which became the field, where the most heated debates originate and in which specialist on linguistic and logic take place. The world of proper names is enormous. The problem of proper names is complicated and unsolved yet, linguists are interested in entity of proper names, its status, history, origin, their life in society and connection between a name and a human. Anthroponymy is investigated not only by linguists, but also other specialists, for instance by ethnographers, who study folks as communities with a distinctive culture. The issue of existence or absence of lexical meaning and three concepts of proper names are considered in this article. Additionally, four components in the meaning of proper names are analyzed
This article deals with proper names and their meaning, which became the field, where the most heated debates originate and in which specialist on linguistic and logic take place. The world of proper names is enormous. The problem of proper names is complicated and unsolved yet, linguists are interested in entity of proper names, its status, history, origin, their life in society and connection between a name and a human. Anthroponymy is investigated not only by linguists, but also other specialists, for instance by ethnographers, who study folks as communities with a distinctive culture. The issue of existence or absence of lexical meaning and three concepts of proper names are considered in this article. Additionally, four components in the meaning of proper names are analyzed
№ | Author name | position | Name of organisation |
1 | Baymirzaeva . . | Teacher | National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek |
№ | Name of reference |
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