In this article, academician Khadicha Sulaimanova's contribution to the development of science, her efforts to establish a legal country, her meaningful and exemplary life, and her scientific and cultural heritage. Also, theopinionsofKhadichaSulaimanova'scontemporariesarementioned
In this article, academician Khadicha Sulaimanova's contribution to the development of science, her efforts to establish a legal country, her meaningful and exemplary life, and her scientific and cultural heritage. Also, theopinionsofKhadichaSulaimanova'scontemporariesarementioned
№ | Author name | position | Name of organisation |
1 | Muhammadiyeva S.N. | ! | Tashkent State University of Law |
№ | Name of reference |
1 | 1.Feruza, Abdumutaliyeva. "THE FIRST FEMALE UZBEK LAWYER–HADICHA SULAYMANOVA." Confrencea 5.05 (2023): 363-366.2.Xadicha Sulaymonova-huquqshunos, olima, davlat arbobi/M. Hakimov, G’. Ahmedov, A. Saidov.-T.:O’zbekiston, 1993.-41 b3.Xadicha Sulaymonova-huquqshunos, olima, davlat arbobi/M. Hakimov, G’. Ahmedov, A. Saidov.-T.:O’zbekiston, 1993.-43 b4.Xadicha Sulaymonova-huquqshunos, olima, davlat arbobi/M. Hakimov, G’. Ahmedov, A. Saidov.-T.:O’zbekiston, 1993.-29b |