In the cardio-rheumatology department of the Samarkand Regional Multidisciplinary Children's Clinical Center, we studied clinical and electrocardiographic analysis of 50 young patients with non-rheumatic myocarditis in the last 2020-2021. 86% of young children with a history of acute respiratory infection. Of the clinical symptoms of non-rheumatic myocarditis, general weakness was 88%, profuse sweating was 86%, cough was 50%, redness of the lips and nose was 58%, and white marble skin was 76%. Heart tones were observed in all patients. "gallop rhythm" was 32%. Tachycardia was 80%, arrhythmia was 14%, extrasystole was 14%, and bradycardia was 4%. From ECG changes: Rhythmic disorders, sinus tachycardia 88%, sinus arrhythmia 12%, extrasystole 14%, sinus bradycardia 6%. Right ventricular hypertrophy was 24%. Hypertrophy of the left ventricle of the heart was observed in 46%. Cardiomegaly was detected in 20%. According to the results of the study, sinus tachycardia was observed in 88% of children from cardiac symptoms, and a decrease in first tone heart rate was observed in 72% of children. According to OA Mutafyan and Yu.M. Belozerov, tachycardia was 65% and 62.5%, respectively. In contrast, symptoms such as bradycardia, arrhythmia, and extrasystole were twice as rare in our studies as reported by Yu.M. Belozerov (2014) and O.A. Mutafyan (2016).
In the cardio-rheumatology department of the Samarkand Regional Multidisciplinary Children's Clinical Center, we studied clinical and electrocardiographic analysis of 50 young patients with non-rheumatic myocarditis in the last 2020-2021. 86% of young children with a history of acute respiratory infection. Of the clinical symptoms of non-rheumatic myocarditis, general weakness was 88%, profuse sweating was 86%, cough was 50%, redness of the lips and nose was 58%, and white marble skin was 76%. Heart tones were observed in all patients. "gallop rhythm" was 32%. Tachycardia was 80%, arrhythmia was 14%, extrasystole was 14%, and bradycardia was 4%. From ECG changes: Rhythmic disorders, sinus tachycardia 88%, sinus arrhythmia 12%, extrasystole 14%, sinus bradycardia 6%. Right ventricular hypertrophy was 24%. Hypertrophy of the left ventricle of the heart was observed in 46%. Cardiomegaly was detected in 20%. According to the results of the study, sinus tachycardia was observed in 88% of children from cardiac symptoms, and a decrease in first tone heart rate was observed in 72% of children. According to OA Mutafyan and Yu.M. Belozerov, tachycardia was 65% and 62.5%, respectively. In contrast, symptoms such as bradycardia, arrhythmia, and extrasystole were twice as rare in our studies as reported by Yu.M. Belozerov (2014) and O.A. Mutafyan (2016).
№ | Author name | position | Name of organisation |
1 | Kodirova . . | Assistant | Samarkand State Medical Universiteti |
№ | Name of reference |
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