Integrals are a fundamental concept incalculus that is used to calculate the total area under a curve or the accumulated effect of a changing quantity over a specific interval. In many scientific and engineering applications, the ability to compute integrals accurately is crucial for understanding and analyzing various phenomena. In this article, we will discuss different algorithms and methods for calculating exact integrals in C++. These algorithms are essential for numerically approximating the exact value of integrals when analytical solutions are not feasible or too complex. We will explore various numerical integration techniques, such as the Riemann sum method, the Trapezoidal rule, Simpson's rule, and adaptive quadrature methods. These algorithms provide different approaches to approximating integrals with varying levels of accuracy and computational efficiency. By understanding and implementing these algorithms in C++, developers and researchers can efficiently calculate exact integrals for a wide range of applications, from physics andengineering to finance and data analysis

  • Read count 87
  • Date of publication 01-07-2024
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages16-19

Integrals are a fundamental concept incalculus that is used to calculate the total area under a curve or the accumulated effect of a changing quantity over a specific interval. In many scientific and engineering applications, the ability to compute integrals accurately is crucial for understanding and analyzing various phenomena. In this article, we will discuss different algorithms and methods for calculating exact integrals in C++. These algorithms are essential for numerically approximating the exact value of integrals when analytical solutions are not feasible or too complex. We will explore various numerical integration techniques, such as the Riemann sum method, the Trapezoidal rule, Simpson's rule, and adaptive quadrature methods. These algorithms provide different approaches to approximating integrals with varying levels of accuracy and computational efficiency. By understanding and implementing these algorithms in C++, developers and researchers can efficiently calculate exact integrals for a wide range of applications, from physics andengineering to finance and data analysis

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Usnatdinova G.A. Assistant Nukus Innovation Institute
Name of reference
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