This In the article, Science is enlightenment a person in spirituality held instead of Alisher Navoiin his works to science hung attentionHazrat Navoi's whole Khurasan across young people educationadded contribution about word is conducted
This In the article, Science is enlightenment a person in spirituality held instead of Alisher Navoiin his works to science hung attentionHazrat Navoi's whole Khurasan across young people educationadded contribution about word is conducted
В статье «Наука есть просвещение человека в духовности» вместо Алишера Навои в своих трудах науке уделено внимание всему Хорасану Хазрата Навои, среди молодежи проведен дополнительный вклад в образование слова
№ | Author name | position | Name of organisation |
1 | Djaksilikova .. | student | Nukus State Pedagogical Institute |
№ | Name of reference |
1 | 1.Holy Quran. Baqara surah, verse 342.Holy Quran. Struggle sura, verse 11.3."Khamsa". Alisher Navoi. New century generation Tashkent. 20164."Makorim ul-akhlaq". Ghiyasiddin KhondamirGhafur Ghulam in the name of publisher printing press house Tashkent-2015.5."Mahbub ul-qulub". Alisher Navoi. Youth publisher house Tashkent -2015. |