This In the article, Science is enlightenment a person in spirituality held instead of Alisher Navoiin his works to science hung attentionHazrat Navoi's whole Khurasan across young people educationadded contribution about word is conducted

  • Read count 9
  • Date of publication 01-08-2024
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages7-10

This In the article, Science is enlightenment a person in spirituality held instead of Alisher Navoiin his works to science hung attentionHazrat Navoi's whole Khurasan across young people educationadded contribution about word is conducted


В статье «Наука есть просвещение человека в духовности» вместо Алишера Навои в своих трудах науке уделено внимание всему Хорасану Хазрата Навои, среди молодежи проведен дополнительный вклад в образование слова

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Djaksilikova .. student Nukus State Pedagogical Institute
Name of reference
1 1.Holy Quran. Baqara surah, verse 342.Holy Quran. Struggle sura, verse 11.3."Khamsa". Alisher Navoi. New century generation Tashkent. 20164."Makorim ul-akhlaq". Ghiyasiddin KhondamirGhafur Ghulam in the name of publisher printing press house Tashkent-2015.5."Mahbub ul-qulub". Alisher Navoi. Youth publisher house Tashkent -2015.