This article is a general classification of dentures, their types it was written about positive and negative evaluation, as well as removable teeth

  • Read count 6
  • Date of publication 01-04-2024
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages89-92

This article is a general classification of dentures, their types it was written about positive and negative evaluation, as well as removable teeth

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Ismailov B.U. Assistant Andijan State Medical Institute
Name of reference
1 1.N.G. Abolmasov, N.N. Abolmasov, V.A. Bichkov, A. Al-Hakim -"Ortopedicheskaya stomatologiya" M.: "MEDpress-inform". 20032.V.N. Kopeykin and others -"Rukovodstvo po ortopedicheskoy dentist". M.: "Medicine". 19933.Ye.I. Gavrilov, I.M. Oksman-"Orthopedic dentistry". M.:"Medicine". 19784.M.V. Bekmetov, F.Sh. Fayzullayev, H.Sh. Rahmonov -"Orthopedic dentistry". T.: "Abu Ali ibn Sina". 2002