The amount of microelement -iron, important for human health, has been screened in the grain of wheat varieties that have been planted in Uzbekistan for along time. As a result of the screening, samples with a relatively high content of iron microelement were isolated, and research is being carried out on indicators such as cultivation technology, biochemical indicators and resistance to unfavorable factors in conditions of grassland alluvial soilsof the Khorezm Oasis

  • Read count 5
  • Date of publication 01-04-2024
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages299-302

The amount of microelement -iron, important for human health, has been screened in the grain of wheat varieties that have been planted in Uzbekistan for along time. As a result of the screening, samples with a relatively high content of iron microelement were isolated, and research is being carried out on indicators such as cultivation technology, biochemical indicators and resistance to unfavorable factors in conditions of grassland alluvial soilsof the Khorezm Oasis

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Isaeva Z.. Master Urgench State University
Name of reference
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