This article discusses the potential for rapid growth and development of pilgrimage sites and tourism services in Uzbekistan. It explores the country's rich cultural and historical heritage, emphasizing the various religious sites that make it attractive to pilgrims and tourists. The analysis examines development strategies such as infrastructure improvements, promotion of religious and cultural tourism, international cooperation and sustainability practices. The note sheds light on the opportunities and challenges of using Uzbekistan's unique offerings to emerge as an influential player in pilgrimage tourism

  • Read count 13
  • Date of publication 29-09-2024
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages133-135

This article discusses the potential for rapid growth and development of pilgrimage sites and tourism services in Uzbekistan. It explores the country's rich cultural and historical heritage, emphasizing the various religious sites that make it attractive to pilgrims and tourists. The analysis examines development strategies such as infrastructure improvements, promotion of religious and cultural tourism, international cooperation and sustainability practices. The note sheds light on the opportunities and challenges of using Uzbekistan's unique offerings to emerge as an influential player in pilgrimage tourism

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Nazarova G.U. Assistant Karshi engineering economics institute
Name of reference
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