In modern conditions, the competitiveness of drugs is determined not only by the direction of their action, relevance, but also by the level of quality, quality-price ratio. In creating conditions for the production of competitive solid dosage forms, in particular tablets, a scientifically based selection of high-quality excipients is essential. In the development and improvement of the production of modern solid dosage forms, the leading role is played by high-molecular compounds, which make it possible tocreate drugs with predictable biopharmaceutical and technological parameters. In domestic pharmaceutical production, a new generation of high-molecular auxiliary substances produced by foreign companies is increasingly being introduced

  • Read count 4
  • Date of publication 01-05-2024
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages188-198

In modern conditions, the competitiveness of drugs is determined not only by the direction of their action, relevance, but also by the level of quality, quality-price ratio. In creating conditions for the production of competitive solid dosage forms, in particular tablets, a scientifically based selection of high-quality excipients is essential. In the development and improvement of the production of modern solid dosage forms, the leading role is played by high-molecular compounds, which make it possible tocreate drugs with predictable biopharmaceutical and technological parameters. In domestic pharmaceutical production, a new generation of high-molecular auxiliary substances produced by foreign companies is increasingly being introduced

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Azimova N.A. ! !
2 Maksudova F.K. ! !
3 Dusmetova Z.R. ! !
4 Rakhimova G.. ! !
5 Rakhimova O.. ! !
Name of reference
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