The main aim of the study is to investigate the impact of inflation targeting (IT) strategy in Turkey during 2002-2022, which was adopted in a three-year period of 2002-2004, on macroeconomic performance (actual inflation, exchange and interest rates) and economic growth of Turkey (in terms of the real GDP). The econometric and empirical investigation of this research focusing on the impact of inflation targeting on the selected macroeconomic variables were carried out by the linear squares method (LSM) regression taking the data of the period after implementation of the monetary policy. At this, the independent variable of inflation targeting was estimated against each chosen macroeconomic variable separately in four different models to catch its linear impact on the changes of these variables over the period after implementation of the strategy. The empirical outcomes demonstrated that inflation targeting monetary policy is strong enough to impact the macroeconomic performance of Turkey in terms of reducing inflation rates, boosting economy by pushing real GDP to grow, stabilize exchange rates and lower the nominal interest rates on deposits

  • Read count 7
  • Date of publication 30-09-2024
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages57-68

The main aim of the study is to investigate the impact of inflation targeting (IT) strategy in Turkey during 2002-2022, which was adopted in a three-year period of 2002-2004, on macroeconomic performance (actual inflation, exchange and interest rates) and economic growth of Turkey (in terms of the real GDP). The econometric and empirical investigation of this research focusing on the impact of inflation targeting on the selected macroeconomic variables were carried out by the linear squares method (LSM) regression taking the data of the period after implementation of the monetary policy. At this, the independent variable of inflation targeting was estimated against each chosen macroeconomic variable separately in four different models to catch its linear impact on the changes of these variables over the period after implementation of the strategy. The empirical outcomes demonstrated that inflation targeting monetary policy is strong enough to impact the macroeconomic performance of Turkey in terms of reducing inflation rates, boosting economy by pushing real GDP to grow, stabilize exchange rates and lower the nominal interest rates on deposits


Tadqiqotning asosiy maqsadi Turkiyada 2002-2022-yillarda 2002-2022 yillarda uch yillik davrda qabul qilingan inflyatsiyani nishonlash (IT) strategiyasining makroiqtisodiy ko‘rsatkichlarga (haqiqiy inflyatsiya, valyuta kursi va foizlar) ta’sirini o‘rganishdan iborat. stavkalari) va Turkiyadagi iqtisodiy o'sish (real YaIM bo'yicha). Ushbu tadqiqotning ekonometrik va empirik tekshiruvi inflyatsiyani nishonlashning tanlangan makroiqtisodiy o'zgaruvchilarga ta'siriga qaratilgan bo'lib, pul-kredit siyosatidan keyingi davr uchun ma'lumotlardan foydalangan holda chiziqli kvadrat usuli (LSM) regressiyasi yordamida o'tkazildi. Bunday holda, inflyatsiyani maqsadlilashtirishning mustaqil o'zgaruvchisi har bir tanlangan makroiqtisodiy o'zgaruvchiga nisbatan, strategiya amalga oshirilgandan keyingi davr mobaynida ushbu o'zgaruvchilarning o'zgarishiga chiziqli ta'sirini aniqlash uchun to'rt xil modelda alohida baholandi. Empirik natijalar shuni ko'rsatdiki, pul-kredit siyosatini nishonga olgan inflyatsiya inflyatsiya darajasini pasaytirish, real YaIM o'sishini rag'batlantirish orqali iqtisodiyotni rag'batlantirish, valyuta kurslarini barqarorlashtirish va nominal depozit foiz stavkalarini pasaytirish nuqtai nazaridan Turkiyaning makroiqtisodiy ko'rsatkichlariga ta'sir ko'rsatish uchun etarlicha kuchli.


Основной целью исследования является изучение влияния стратегии инфляционного таргетирования (ИТ) в Турции в 2002-2022 гг., которая была принята в трехлетний период 2002-2004 гг., на макроэкономические показатели (фактическая инфляция, обменный курс и процентные ставки) и экономический рост Турции (с точки зрения реального ВВП). Эконометрическое и эмпирическое исследование этого исследования, сосредоточенного на влиянии таргетирования инфляции на выбранные макроэкономические переменные, было проведено с помощью регрессии методом линейных квадратов (LSM) с использованием данных за период после реализации денежно-кредитной политики. При этом независимая переменная таргетирования инфляции оценивалась по отношению к каждой выбранной макроэкономической переменной отдельно в четырех различных моделях, чтобы уловить ее линейное влияние на изменения этих переменных за период после реализации стратегии. Эмпирические результаты показали, что денежно-кредитная политика таргетирования инфляции достаточно сильна, чтобы повлиять на макроэкономические показатели Турции с точки зрения снижения темпов инфляции, стимулирования экономики путем стимулирования роста реального ВВП, стабилизации обменных курсов и снижения номинальных процентных ставок по депозитам.

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