This article elaborates on the Indo-Pacific concept promoted by the US. Taking into account the importance of the Asia-Pacific region and the actual importance of the region, the competition within the region and the conflict of interests of the leading powers were discussed in detail. The Asia- Pacific region is important not only for the countries of the Far East, but also for the countries of Central Asia and South Asia and a number of other countries. therefore, this region is becoming a competitive field at the

global level in recent years.

  • Read count 56
  • Date of publication 15-10-2024
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages229-234

This article elaborates on the Indo-Pacific concept promoted by the US. Taking into account the importance of the Asia-Pacific region and the actual importance of the region, the competition within the region and the conflict of interests of the leading powers were discussed in detail. The Asia- Pacific region is important not only for the countries of the Far East, but also for the countries of Central Asia and South Asia and a number of other countries. therefore, this region is becoming a competitive field at the

global level in recent years.


Ushbu maqolada AQSh tomonidan ilgari surilgan Hind-Tinch okeani kontseptsiyasi batafsil yoritilgan. Osiyo-Tinch okeani mintaqasining ahamiyati va mintaqaning dolzarb ahamiyatini inobatga olgan holda, mintaqa ichidagi raqobat va yetakchi kuchlar manfaatlari to‘qnashuvi atroflicha muhokama qilindi. Osiyo-Tinch okeani mintaqasi nafaqat Uzoq Sharq mamlakatlari, balki Markaziy Osiyo va Janubiy Osiyo   mamlakatlari   va   bir   qator   boshqa  davlatlar uchun ham muhim ahamiyatga ega. shuning uchun bu mintaqa keyingi yillarda global miqyosda raqobatbardosh maydonga aylanib bormoqda.


В данной статье подробно рассматривается концепция Индо- Тихоокеанского региона, продвигаемая США. Учитывая значимость Азиатско- Тихоокеанского региона и реальную значимость региона, подробно обсуждались конкуренция внутри региона и конфликт интересов ведущих держав. Азиатско- Тихоокеанский регион важен не только для стран Дальнего Востока, но и для стран Центральной и Южной Азии и ряда других стран. поэтому в последние годы этот регион становится конкурентным полем на глобальном уровне.

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Muxiddinova S.. Magistratura talabasi Toshkent davlat sharqshunoslik universiteti Toshkent, Oʻzbekiston
Name of reference
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