This article describes the social status of women in Afghanistan. Their legal issues are presented, cultural and theoretical aspects, changes in the situation of Afghan women, obstacles to their liberation, as well as the opinions of Afghans on certain issues in the sphere of women's activities in society.
This article describes the social status of women in Afghanistan. Their legal issues are presented, cultural and theoretical aspects, changes in the situation of Afghan women, obstacles to their liberation, as well as the opinions of Afghans on certain issues in the sphere of women's activities in society.
Ushbu maqolada Afg‘onistondagi ayollarning ijtimoiy mavqei tasvirlangan. Ularning huquqiy masalalari, madaniy-nazariy jihatlari, afg‘on ayollari ahvolidagi o‘zgarishlar, ularni ozod qilish yo‘lidagi to‘siqlar, shuningdek, afg‘onlarning jamiyatdagi ayollar faoliyati sohasidagi ayrim masalalar bo‘yicha fikrlari taqdim etilgan.
В данной статье описывается социальный статус женщин в Афганистане. Представлены их правовые вопросы, т.е. культурные и теоретические аспекты, изменения в положении афганских женщин, препятствия на пути их освобождения, а также мнения афганцев по отдельным вопросам в сфере деятельности женщин в обществе.
№ | Author name | position | Name of organisation |
1 | Nizomova M.M. | Magistratura talabasi | Toshkent davlat sharqshunoslik universiteti Toshkent, Oʻzbekiston |
№ | Name of reference |
1 | 1. Amnesty International (2018). Afghanistan 2017/2018. Available at: https://www.amnesty. org/en/countries/asia-and-the-pacific/afghanistan/report-afghanistan [access date: 20.05.2018]. |
2 | 2. Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (2004). The Constitution of Afghanistan. Kabul, 26 January. |
3 | 3. Qassem, AS (2016). Afghanistan's Political Stability. A Dream Unrealized. London–New York: Routledge. |
4 | 4. United Nations (1948). Universal Declaration of Human Rights. New York, 10 December. Available at: [access date: 20.05.2018]. |
5 | 5. UN Women. UN Women Afghanistan. Available at: [access date: 20.05.2018]. |
6 | 6. MOFA [Ministry of Foreign Affairs] (2015). Afghanistan's National Action Plan on UNSCR 1325 – Women, Peace and Security. July. Available at: security [access date: 20.05.2018]. |
7 | 7. A. Tarzi (eds.), The Taliban and the Crisis of Afghanistan. (118–154). Cambridge, MA–London: Harvard University Press. |
8 | 8. Central Statistics Organization of Afghanistan (2017). Statistical Yearbook of Afghanistan 2016/2017. Acceptance. Available at: [access date: 20.05.2018]. |
9 | 9. Razia's Ray of Hope Foundation. Women and Girls in Afghanistan. Available at: [access date: 20.05.2018] |