Wegener's granulomatosis (WG) is a rare immunologically mediated multisystem disease of unknown etiology, the morphological basis of which is giant cell granulomatous-necrotizing vasculitis of small arteries, arterioles and venules with combined damage to several organs (mainly the upper respiratory tract, respiratory system, vision, hearing and kidneys). The prevalence of hepatitis B in the population is 25–60 per 1 million, the incidence is 3–12 per 1 million people; in Europe, the prevalence of hepatitis B is five cases per 100 thousand population, and in Northern Europe this figure is even


  • Read count 25
  • Date of publication 04-11-2024
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages13-19

Wegener's granulomatosis (WG) is a rare immunologically mediated multisystem disease of unknown etiology, the morphological basis of which is giant cell granulomatous-necrotizing vasculitis of small arteries, arterioles and venules with combined damage to several organs (mainly the upper respiratory tract, respiratory system, vision, hearing and kidneys). The prevalence of hepatitis B in the population is 25–60 per 1 million, the incidence is 3–12 per 1 million people; in Europe, the prevalence of hepatitis B is five cases per 100 thousand population, and in Northern Europe this figure is even



Vegener granulomatozi (VG) – noma’lum etiologiyali kam uchraydigan immunologik vositachilik qiluvchi multitizimli kasallik bo'lib, uning morfologik asosi kichik arteriyalar, arteriolalar va venulalarning gigant hujayrali granulomatoz-nekrotik vaskulitlari, bir nechta organlarning (asosan, yuqori ko'rish yo'llari, ko'rish organlarining shikastlanishi, eshitish a’zosi va buyraklar). Aholida VGning tarqalishi 1 million kishiga 25-60, kasallanish 1 million kishiga 3-12; Evropada gepatit B ning tarqalishi 100 ming aholiga beshta, Shimoliy Evropada esa bu ko'rsatkich yanada yuqori.


Гранулематоз Вегенера (ГВ) — редкое иммунологически опосредованное                                            мультисистемное заболевание          неясной                               этиологии, морфологической основой которого является                                   гигантоклеточный гранулематозно-некротический васкулит мелких артерий, артериол и венул с сочетанным поражением нескольких органов (преимущественно верхних дыхательных путей, зрение, органа слуха и почки). Распространенность ГВ в популяции составляет 25–60 на 1 млн, заболеваемость – 3–12 на 1 млн человек; в

Европе распространенность ГВ составляет пять случаев на 100 тыс. населения, а в Северной Европе   этот   показатель   еще выше.

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