Today, taking into account that the special powers of the internal affairsbodies are applied to all spheres of social life, the issue of cooperation with the public is gaining urgent importance for the state and society. The article presents an analysis of their national customs, legal system and state administration, strategies and tactics of the police in the fight against crime in foreign countries, problems of cooperation of the internal affairs bodies with the public, and offers suggestions

  • Read count 79
  • Date of publication 01-11-2024
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages7-12

Today, taking into account that the special powers of the internal affairsbodies are applied to all spheres of social life, the issue of cooperation with the public is gaining urgent importance for the state and society. The article presents an analysis of their national customs, legal system and state administration, strategies and tactics of the police in the fight against crime in foreign countries, problems of cooperation of the internal affairs bodies with the public, and offers suggestions

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Toxsabinov J.. Independent researcher Karakalpak State university
Name of reference
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