In Uzbek linguistics, historical words (historicisms) are the names of past reality, and in the modern language there is no other lexical unit that could replace them. Historical words are not specific to the vocabulary of the period of the language being described, but are found in the temporary use of a unit specific to the vocabulary of the past period. Historical words, in addition to the nominative function, the function of embodying the era, also serve as a methodological tool. This task is one of the main reasons for preserving historicisms in vocabulary. In the novel by Abdullah Kadiri "Past Days" the period of the Kokan Khanate of the 1950-1960s is described. The author effectively uses historical words to reveal the spirit of the time.

  • Read count 19
  • Date of publication 10-12-2024
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages7-12

In Uzbek linguistics, historical words (historicisms) are the names of past reality, and in the modern language there is no other lexical unit that could replace them. Historical words are not specific to the vocabulary of the period of the language being described, but are found in the temporary use of a unit specific to the vocabulary of the past period. Historical words, in addition to the nominative function, the function of embodying the era, also serve as a methodological tool. This task is one of the main reasons for preserving historicisms in vocabulary. In the novel by Abdullah Kadiri "Past Days" the period of the Kokan Khanate of the 1950-1960s is described. The author effectively uses historical words to reveal the spirit of the time.

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Kambarov M.A. Independent researcher Gulistan State University
Name of reference
1 Rakhmatullaev Sh. Historicism // Reference source, 164- Ibid., pp. 163-164. Abdullaeva L. Lexical stylistics.... -P. 54-55. Lexicology of the Uzbek language, pp. 151-152. Lexicology of the Uzbek language, pp. 151-152. The numbers in the following examples are taken from the novel by Abdullah Kadiri "Otkan kunlar". Abdullah Kadiri. Past days. Tashkent, Info Capital Group, 2017. (based on the materials of the 1926, 1933 editions). From a speech at an expanded meeting of the Council of Spirituality and Education of the Republic on December 22, 2023, chaired by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh. Mirziyoyev. Sh. Rakhmatullaev “Etymological dictionary of the uzbek language (Turkic languages), T., 2000, p. 485. Currently, the term for the court is “council of ministers, a government structure; it has again come to be used in the sense of government: Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan.