The process of training future basketball athletes is very complex and largely depends on a well-planned strategy. This article discusses the key role of the coach or instructor in this process, as well as the relationship between the technical, tactical, and physical development of theathlete and a properly organized training process.

  • Read count 15
  • Date of publication 10-12-2024
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages16-18

The process of training future basketball athletes is very complex and largely depends on a well-planned strategy. This article discusses the key role of the coach or instructor in this process, as well as the relationship between the technical, tactical, and physical development of theathlete and a properly organized training process.

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Mamadova F.M. Faculty of Physical Culture Fergana State University
2 Mukhammadieva M.I. Student Fergana State University
Name of reference
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