The article explores the philosophical and linguistic aspects of symmetry and asymmetry, emphasizing their importance in understanding the universal and diverse concepts used in languages of different systems. It highlights the continuous development and refinement of these notions over time, underscoring the significance of the symmetry-asymmetry principle as a fundamental universal concept for comprehending nature, time, motion, and space theories. Furthermore, the study investigates the symmetric and asymmetric characteristics present in proverbs containing gender components across English, Russian, and Uzbek languages. By examining these linguistic expressions, the research delves into how gender roles and relationships are manifested through language structures. The article aims to reveal common patterns and deviations in the construction of gender-related proverbs, shedding light on the intricate interplay among language, culture, and gender dynamics. Additionally, the article delves into gender asymmetry, particularly through gender lacunarity, and analyzes its significance in the gender category and its representation in proverbs. Special attention is given to the concept of metagender and its manifestation in proverbs from different language systems.

  • Read count 22
  • Date of publication 20-06-2024
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages81–94

The article explores the philosophical and linguistic aspects of symmetry and asymmetry, emphasizing their importance in understanding the universal and diverse concepts used in languages of different systems. It highlights the continuous development and refinement of these notions over time, underscoring the significance of the symmetry-asymmetry principle as a fundamental universal concept for comprehending nature, time, motion, and space theories. Furthermore, the study investigates the symmetric and asymmetric characteristics present in proverbs containing gender components across English, Russian, and Uzbek languages. By examining these linguistic expressions, the research delves into how gender roles and relationships are manifested through language structures. The article aims to reveal common patterns and deviations in the construction of gender-related proverbs, shedding light on the intricate interplay among language, culture, and gender dynamics. Additionally, the article delves into gender asymmetry, particularly through gender lacunarity, and analyzes its significance in the gender category and its representation in proverbs. Special attention is given to the concept of metagender and its manifestation in proverbs from different language systems.


Maqolada simmetriya va assimetriyaning falsafiy va lingvistik jihatlari o‘rganilib, ularning turli tizimlar tillarida qo‘llaniladigan universal va xilma-xil tushunchalarni tushunishdagi ahamiyati o‘rganildi. U bu tushunchalarning vaqt o‘tishi bilan uzluksiz rivojlanishi va takomillashib borishini ta’kidlab, simmetriyaassimetriya tamoyili tabiatni, shuningdek, vaqt, harakat va makon nazariyalarini tushunishning asosiy universal tamoyili ekanligini ta’kidlaydi. Simmetriya-assimetriya tamoyili tabiatni, shuningdek, vaqt, harakat, makon nazariyalarni o‘rganishning asosiy universal printsipidir. Ushbu tamoyilning tushunilishi ilmiy dunyoqarashning inqilobiy, fundamental kashfiyotlari va yutuqlaridan biri deb hisoblash uchun barcha asoslar mavjud. Shu bilan birga gender assimetriyasining asosiy ko‘rinishlaridan biri gender lakunarligidir. Gender lakunarlik jins kategoriyasida qanday ahamiyatga ega ekanligi va maqollarda bularning aks ettirilishi misollar orqali tahlil qilindi. Metagender atamasiga ham alohida to‘xtalgan holda metagenderning turli tizimdagi tillarda ifodalangan maqollarda qanday ifoda etilishi ham maqolada qayt etib ketilgan.


В статье исследуются философские и лингвистические аспекты симметрии и асимметрии, подчеркивая их важность в понимании универсальных и разнообразных понятий, используемых в языках разных систем. Она подчеркивает непрерывное развитие и совершенствование этих понятий со временем, подчеркивая то, что принцип симметрии-асимметрии является фундаментальным универсальным принципом для понимания природы, а также теорий времени, движения и пространства. Кроме того, исследование выявляет симметричные и асимметричные характеристики, присущие пословицам, содержащим гендерные компоненты на разных языках, таких как английский, русский и узбекский. Путем изучения этих языковых выражений в работе исследуется, как гендерные роли и отношения проявляются через языковые структуры. Кроме того, в статье рассматривается гендерная асимметрия, в частности через гендерную лакунарность, и анализируется ее значение в гендерной категории и ее отражение в пословицах. Особое внимание уделяется понятию метагендера и его выражению в пословицах из различных языковых систем.

Author name position Name of organisation
1 ABDULLAYEVA M.M. Katta o‘qituvchi Ingliz filologiyasi fakulteti O‘zbekiston Davlat Jahon tillari Universiteti
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