The purpose of this study is to optimize approaches to choosing the volume of lung resection in the surgical treatment of echinococcosis based on a comprehensive analysis of the clinical and morphological characteristics of the disease and the results of various types of surgical interventions. Special attention is paid to the development of criteria to justify the choice of organ-preserving operations without prejudice to the radicality of treatment. Solving this problem is of great practical importance, since it will improve the results of surgical treatment, reduce the frequency of postoperative complications and improve the quality of life of patients with echinococcosis of the lungs

  • Read count 51
  • Date of publication 05-01-2025
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages74-78

The purpose of this study is to optimize approaches to choosing the volume of lung resection in the surgical treatment of echinococcosis based on a comprehensive analysis of the clinical and morphological characteristics of the disease and the results of various types of surgical interventions. Special attention is paid to the development of criteria to justify the choice of organ-preserving operations without prejudice to the radicality of treatment. Solving this problem is of great practical importance, since it will improve the results of surgical treatment, reduce the frequency of postoperative complications and improve the quality of life of patients with echinococcosis of the lungs

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