This study explores the effectiveness of antibiotic-free treatment in managing lower respiratory tract infections in children by focusing on immune system support. Conducted in Tashkent from 2023 to 2024, the research compared traditional antibiotic-based therapiyes with natural approaches involving VISION vitamin complexes, probiotics, and phytotherapy. Results indicate that antibiotic-free treatment reduces inflammation, accelerates recovery by up to 30%, and minimizes reinfection rates compared to traditional methods. The biological mechanisms of action of VISION vitamin complexes, including immune cell stimulation, inflammation suppression, and gut microbiota balance restoration, were analyzed. This approach shows significant promise for addressing antibiotic resistance and enhancing long-term health outcomes in pediatric patiyents
This study explores the effectiveness of antibiotic-free treatment in managing lower respiratory tract infections in children by focusing on immune system support. Conducted in Tashkent from 2023 to 2024, the research compared traditional antibiotic-based therapiyes with natural approaches involving VISION vitamin complexes, probiotics, and phytotherapy. Results indicate that antibiotic-free treatment reduces inflammation, accelerates recovery by up to 30%, and minimizes reinfection rates compared to traditional methods. The biological mechanisms of action of VISION vitamin complexes, including immune cell stimulation, inflammation suppression, and gut microbiota balance restoration, were analyzed. This approach shows significant promise for addressing antibiotic resistance and enhancing long-term health outcomes in pediatric patiyents
№ | Author name | position | Name of organisation |
1 | Fozilova Z.M. | Physician | Tashkent City Department of Internal Affairs |
№ | Name of reference |
1 | 1.World Health Organization. (2021). Global Burden of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections.Retrieved from nafas yoʻllari infeksiyalarining global yuklari, profilaktika usullari va antibiotiklarga chidamlilik haqida maʼlumot beradi.2.Smith, R. A., & Doran, A. R. (2020). The Role of Vitamin D in Respiratory Health.Journal of Immunology Research, 45(3), 123–135. D ning nafas yoʻllari salomatligiga taʼsiri, immun tizimini mustahkamlash va yalligʻlanishni kamaytirishdagi ahamiyati tahlil qilingan.3.Jones, K., & Patel, S. (2021). Herbal Therapy in Pediatric Respiratory Illnesses.Pediatrics and Herbal Medicine, 12(4), 88–96. vositalarining bronxit va pnevmoniya kabi kasalliklarga taʼsiri oʻrganilgan.4.Rahmonov, S. T. (2022). Probiotiklar va bolalar immuniteti: Oʻzbekiston sharoitida tadqiqot.Uzbek Medical Journal, 8(2), 45–52.Probiotiklarning bolalarda immunitetni mustahkamlashdagi samaradorligi va nafas yoʻllari infeksiyalarini kamaytirishdagi ahamiyati tahlil qilingan.5.Tashkent Pediatrik Resech Institute. (2023). Bolalarda nafas yoʻllari infeksiyalarining profilaktikasi va davolash.Tashkent Pediatriks, 15(5), 65–73.Bolalar oʻrtasida nafas yoʻllari infeksiyalarini oldini olish va davolash uchun integratsiyalangan yondashuvlar oʻrganilgan.6.Project V. (2023). Official Product List: Vision Project V.Retrieved from mahsulotlarining tarkibi, taʼsir mexanizmi va ularning tibbiy amaliyotda qoʻllanilishi haqida maʼlumotlar taqdim etilgan.7.Blaser, M. J. (2014). Missing Microbes: How the Overuse of Antibiotics Is Fueling Our Modern Plagues.Henry Holt and Company.Antibiotiklarning ortiqchaqoʻllanilishi muammosi va ularning immunitetga salbiy taʼsiri haqida maʼlumot berilgan.8.National Institute of Health. (2022). Probiotics and the Microbiome: A Review of Current Research.Retrieved from immun tizimi va ichak mikroflorasiga taʼsiri boʻyicha ilmiy xulosalar keltirilgan |