This article explores the concept of professional-pedagogical competence, emphasizing its complex nature and the various levels of development throughout a teacher’s career. It examines the definitions and classifications of competence, referencing key scholars such as A.K. Markova, N.V. Kuzmina, and S.A. Gaponenko, who highlight different dimensions of competence, including specialized, methodological, social, psychological, and autopsychological. The article discusses how these competences contribute to effective teaching, the teacher's personal growth, and the ability to adapt to professional challenges. Additionally, the article considers the role of postgraduate education in enhancing a teacher's competence and the importance of modeling the structure of competence for future professional development.

  • Read count 26
  • Date of publication 05-01-2025
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages 44-49

This article explores the concept of professional-pedagogical competence, emphasizing its complex nature and the various levels of development throughout a teacher’s career. It examines the definitions and classifications of competence, referencing key scholars such as A.K. Markova, N.V. Kuzmina, and S.A. Gaponenko, who highlight different dimensions of competence, including specialized, methodological, social, psychological, and autopsychological. The article discusses how these competences contribute to effective teaching, the teacher's personal growth, and the ability to adapt to professional challenges. Additionally, the article considers the role of postgraduate education in enhancing a teacher's competence and the importance of modeling the structure of competence for future professional development.

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Sarsenbaev R.J. PhD NDPI
Name of reference
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