Phraseological units are an assemblage of two or more word constituents with a unique and often figurative meaning, including as patient as Job, a silver lining, crooked as a corkscrew in English, and Har kim oʻz aybini bilsa Vali boʻladi, boʻzchining mokisidek, teshik munchoq yerda qolmas in Uzbek. There is a growing trend among scientists in the study of phraseological units with certain subtypes of onomastic components from the viewpoint of modern approaches, such as cognitive and linguocultural perspectives. Phraseological units with onomastic components are regarded as precise manifestations of the cultural background of a certain nation. They are directly connected with human knowledge about history, literature, culture, religion, folklore, legends, and geography, which all constitute the encyclopedic wealth of the language. With regard to human’s encyclopaedic data, the onomastic component of phraseological units manifests a distinct comprehensive cultural, historical, literary, political, social, and religious information related to such components. The article aims to analyse phraseological units with an anthroponymic component as one of the onomastic constituents from the semantic viewpoint in which they are based on the meaning construction and the encyclopaedic information about anthroponyms participated in such units. It has been defined that the motivation of the semantics of phraseological units with its anthroponymic component in non-related languages, especially English and Uzbek, has not been studied sufficiently. The article discusses the semantic peculiarities of anthroponymic components in the system of phraseological units in compared languages. The conclusion is that the meaning of phraseological units with anthroponymic components is associated with anthroponyms' personalities, activities, physical and psychological conditions, and their influence on other objective phenomena.
Phraseological units are an assemblage of two or more word constituents with a unique and often figurative meaning, including as patient as Job, a silver lining, crooked as a corkscrew in English, and Har kim oʻz aybini bilsa Vali boʻladi, boʻzchining mokisidek, teshik munchoq yerda qolmas in Uzbek. There is a growing trend among scientists in the study of phraseological units with certain subtypes of onomastic components from the viewpoint of modern approaches, such as cognitive and linguocultural perspectives. Phraseological units with onomastic components are regarded as precise manifestations of the cultural background of a certain nation. They are directly connected with human knowledge about history, literature, culture, religion, folklore, legends, and geography, which all constitute the encyclopedic wealth of the language. With regard to human’s encyclopaedic data, the onomastic component of phraseological units manifests a distinct comprehensive cultural, historical, literary, political, social, and religious information related to such components. The article aims to analyse phraseological units with an anthroponymic component as one of the onomastic constituents from the semantic viewpoint in which they are based on the meaning construction and the encyclopaedic information about anthroponyms participated in such units. It has been defined that the motivation of the semantics of phraseological units with its anthroponymic component in non-related languages, especially English and Uzbek, has not been studied sufficiently. The article discusses the semantic peculiarities of anthroponymic components in the system of phraseological units in compared languages. The conclusion is that the meaning of phraseological units with anthroponymic components is associated with anthroponyms' personalities, activities, physical and psychological conditions, and their influence on other objective phenomena.
Frazeologik birliklar yagona va asosan majoziy ma’noga ega boʻlgan ikki va undan ortiq soʻzlar yigʻindisidan iborat til birligidir, jumladan ingliz tilida as patient as Job, a silver lining, crooked as a corkscrew, oʻzbek tilida Har kim oʻz aybini bilsa Vali boʻladi, boʻzchining mokisidek, teshik munchoq yerda qolmas kabilar. Hozirgi adabiy tilshunoslikda onomastik komponentli frazeologik birliklarni zamonaviy yondashuvlar, jumladan kognitiv va lingvomadaniy nuqtayi nazaridan oʻrganishga boʻlgan e’tibor sezilarli darajada oʻsdi. Onomastik komponentli frazeologik birliklar muayyan bir millatning madaniyati toʻgʻrisida aniq ma’lumot yetkazuvchi til birliklaridan biri sifatida e’tirof etiladi. Ular insonning tarix, adabiyot, madaniyat, din, xalq ijodiyoti, afsona va rivoyatlar, geografiya kabilar toʻgʻrisidagi bilimi bilan bevosita aloqador, ularning barchasi esa tilni ensiklopedik faktor bilan bogʻlaydi. Inson ensiklopedik bilimi haqida soʻz yuritilganda frazeologik birliklarning onomastik komponentlari, mazkur maqolamizda esa antroponimlar, aniq bir madaniy, tarixiy, adabiy, siyosiy, ijtimoiy va diniy ma’lumotlarni tashuvchi element sifatida muhim ahamiyatga ega. Mazkur maqolaning maqsadi antroponimik komponentli frazeologik birliklarni mazmuniy qurilish va ularning tarkibida ishtirok etgan antroponimlarning ensiklopedik ma’lumotlaridan tashkil topgan birliklar sifatida semantik nuqtayi nazaridan tahlil qilish hisoblanadi. Shunisi ayon boʻldiki, qarindosh boʻlmagan tillarda, ayniqsa ingliz va oʻzbek tillarida, antroponimik komponentli frazeologik birliklar semantikasining oʻz tarkibida ishtirok etgan antroponimlar bilan assotsiatsiyasi yetarlicha oʻrganilmagan.Shundan kelib chiqqan holda, maqolamiz chogʻishtirilayotgan tillarda antroponimik komponentli frazeologik birliklar semantik jihatidan olib qaralganda ularning ma’nosi antroponimlarning fazilatlari, faoliyati, jismoniy va ruhiy holati hamda ular ta’sir oʻtkazgan obyektiv borliq tushunchalari bilan assotsiatsiyaga kirishganligiga xulosa yasaydi.
Фразеологические единицы представляют собой совокупность двух или более словосочетаний с уникальным и часто переносным значением, в том числе as patient as Job, a silver lining, crooked as a corkscrew в английском языке и Har kim oʻz aybini bilsa Vali boʻladi, boʻzchining mokisidek, teshik munchoq yerda qolmas в узбекском. Среди ученых наблюдается растущая тенденция изучения фразеологизмов с определенными подтипами ономастического компонента с точки зрения современных подходов, таких как когнитивный и лингвокультурологический. Фразеологизмы с ономастическим компонентом рассматриваются как точное проявление культурного наследия определенного народа. Они напрямую связаны со знаниями человека об истории, литературе, культуре, религии, фольклоре, легендах, географии, что в совокупности составляет энциклопедическое богатство языка. Что касается энциклопедических данных человека, то ономастический компонент фразеологизмов содержит отчетливую всеобъемлющую культурную, историческую, литературную, политическую, социальную и религиозную информацию, связанную с такими компонентами. Целью статьи является анализ фразеологизмов с антропонимическим компонентом, как одной из ономастических составляющих, с семантической точки зрения, в которой они основаны на построении значения и энциклопедической информации об антропонимах, участвующих в таких единицах. Было определено, что мотивация семантики фразеологизмов с ее антропонимическим компонентом в неродственных языках, особенно в английском и узбекском, изучена недостаточно. В статье рассматриваются семантические особенности антропонимического компонента в системе фразеологических единиц сравниваемых языков. Сделан вывод о том, что значение фразеологизмов с антропонимическими компонентами связано с личностями, деятельностью, физическим и психологическим состоянием антропонимов и их влиянием на другие объективные явления.
№ | Author name | position | Name of organisation |
1 | GʻOYIBOV U.. | Tayanch doktoranti | Oʻzbekiston davlat jahon tillari universiteti Toshkent, Oʻzbekiston |
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