The article is devoted to the study of information on the correctness of the state of tuberculosis among the akholys of the Samarkand region in the next two years, the actual problems of organizing cargo and preventive work. In the Prevention of tuberculosis epidemics, the organization of akholini preventive measures is of great importance. For this reason, these indicators are being studied and studies are being carried out to determine the harm of axoli to tuberculosis infection, to determine the extent of the epidemic. During 2023-2024, the Samarkand regional population underwent a tuberculosis examination and studied the circumstances of its registration and what preventive measures should be organized to prevent further tuberculosis infections
The article is devoted to the study of information on the correctness of the state of tuberculosis among the akholys of the Samarkand region in the next two years, the actual problems of organizing cargo and preventive work. In the Prevention of tuberculosis epidemics, the organization of akholini preventive measures is of great importance. For this reason, these indicators are being studied and studies are being carried out to determine the harm of axoli to tuberculosis infection, to determine the extent of the epidemic. During 2023-2024, the Samarkand regional population underwent a tuberculosis examination and studied the circumstances of its registration and what preventive measures should be organized to prevent further tuberculosis infections
№ | Author name | position | Name of organisation |
1 | Murodkosimov S.. | ! | Uzbekistan-Finnish Institute |
2 | Mamadiyarov M.U. | ! | Uzbekistan-Finnish Institute |
3 | Ismoilov O.I. | ! | Samarkand State Medical University |
№ | Name of reference |
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