Cardiac arrhythmias in pregnant women present a unique clinical challenge due to physiological adaptations during pregnancy and their potential impact on maternal and fetal health. Although most arrhythmias during pregnancy are benign, some may indicate underlying cardiac disorders or pose significant risks to the mother and fetus. This review explores the pathophysiology, epidemiology, diagnostic approaches, and management of arrhythmias in pregnancy, emphasizing evidence-based strategies to optimize outcomes
Cardiac arrhythmias in pregnant women present a unique clinical challenge due to physiological adaptations during pregnancy and their potential impact on maternal and fetal health. Although most arrhythmias during pregnancy are benign, some may indicate underlying cardiac disorders or pose significant risks to the mother and fetus. This review explores the pathophysiology, epidemiology, diagnostic approaches, and management of arrhythmias in pregnancy, emphasizing evidence-based strategies to optimize outcomes
№ | Author name | position | Name of organisation |
1 | Khudoyarova D.R. | MD, Professor | Samarkand State Medical University |
2 | Kobilova Z.K. | Master's student | Samarkand State Medical University |
№ | Name of reference |
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