Ammophos is an effective mineral fertilizer that combines nitrogen and phosphorus, widely used in agriculture. Its production is mainly carried out by reacting phosphorous raw materials with ammonia. Granulation technology ensures the product is prepared in a convenient form. This fertilizer plays a significant role in increasing crop yields and improving soil fertility. Ammophos is utilized in agriculture for various crops, including grains, vegetables, and fruit trees. Additionally, it is applied in the chemical industry and environmental sectors. Due to its optimal composition and efficiency, ammophos is highly valued as a universal fertilizer [3-4].

  • Read count 8
  • Date of publication 27-12-2024
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages144-147

Ammophos is an effective mineral fertilizer that combines nitrogen and phosphorus, widely used in agriculture. Its production is mainly carried out by reacting phosphorous raw materials with ammonia. Granulation technology ensures the product is prepared in a convenient form. This fertilizer plays a significant role in increasing crop yields and improving soil fertility. Ammophos is utilized in agriculture for various crops, including grains, vegetables, and fruit trees. Additionally, it is applied in the chemical industry and environmental sectors. Due to its optimal composition and efficiency, ammophos is highly valued as a universal fertilizer [3-4].


Аммофос — это эффективное минеральное удобрение, содержащее азот и фосфор, которое широко используется в сельском хозяйстве. Его производство осуществляется преимущественно путем взаимодействия фосфорсодержащего сырья с аммиаком. Технология грануляции обеспечивает удобную форму выпуска продукта. Данное удобрение играет важную роль в повышении урожайности и улучшении плодородия почвы. Аммофос применяется в сельском хозяйстве для различных культур, включая зерновые, овощи и плодовые деревья. Кроме того, он используется в химической промышленности и экологических сферах. Благодаря оптимальному составу и эффективности аммофос высоко ценится как универсальное удобрение [3-4].


Ammofos – azot va fosforni o‘zida jamlagan samarali mineral o‘g‘it bo‘lib, qishloq xo‘jaligida keng qo‘llaniladi. Uni ishlab chiqarish asosan fosforli xomashyolarni ammiak bilan reaksiyaga kiritish orqali amalga oshiriladi. Granulyatsiya texnologiyasi mahsulotni qulay shaklda tayyorlashni ta’minlaydi. Ushbu o‘g‘it hosildorlikni oshirish va tuproq unumdorligini yaxshilashda muhim rol o‘ynaydi. Ammofos qishloq xo‘jaligida turli ekinlar, jumladan, g‘alla, sabzavot va mevali daraxtlarni parvarishlashda qo‘llaniladi. Bundan tashqari, kimyo sanoati va ekologiya sohalarida ham foydalaniladi. Optimal tarkibi va samaradorligi tufayli ammofos universal o‘g‘it sifatida yuqori ahamiyatga ega [3-4].

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Yusupova G.K. Associate Professor Almalyk Branch of TDTU
2 Jumayev M.S. Master of the Department of "Chemical Technology" Almalyk Branch of TDTU
3 Anorboyeva N.A. Assistant Almalyk Branch of TDTU
Name of reference
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