This article discusses to qualify bribery with current criminal legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan; differences of crimes related to bribe, especially bribe-giving and intermediation in bribery; their specific aspects has been analyzed. In addition, it focuses on the analysis of the problems in qualifying such crimes and has been concluded.

  • Read count 305
  • Date of publication 22-08-2019
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages68-71

This article discusses to qualify bribery with current criminal legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan; differences of crimes related to bribe, especially bribe-giving and intermediation in bribery; their specific aspects has been analyzed. In addition, it focuses on the analysis of the problems in qualifying such crimes and has been concluded.


В данной статье рассматривается квалификации взяточничество с действующим уголовным законодательством Республики Узбекистан; различия в преступлениях, связанных со взяткой, особенно дача взятки и посредничество во взяточничестве и их конкретные аспекты были проанализированы. Кроме того, он сосредоточен на анализе проблем в квалификации таких преступлений и был сделан вывод.


Ushbu maqolada poraxo`rlikni hozirgi kundagi O`zbekiston Respublikasi jinoyat qonunchiligi orqali kvalifikatsiya qilish muhokama qilinadi, poraxo`rlik jinoyatlarining, ayniqsa pora berish va pora olish-berishda vositachilik qilish jinoyatlarining bir biridan farqli jihatlari hamda ularning o`ziga xos xususiyatlati tahlil qilingan. Bundan tashqari bu kabi jinoyatlarni kvalifikatsiya qilishdagi muammalar tahliliga e`tibor qaratilgan va xulosalar qilingan.

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Hamidov N.O. Jinoyat-prosessual huquqi va kriminalistika kafedrasi o’qituvchisi Тoshkent davlat yuridik universiteti
Name of reference
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