Preliminary studies have established that the process of burning ceramic
bricks containing coke-fines as burn-in additives proceeds much faster, with minimal
energy expenditure than the traditional method. Also, under these conditions, it is
established that the coke fines serve as a reducing agent and accompanies the
decomposition of difficult to decompose salts (Na2SO4, CaSO4), which eliminates such
negative phenomena as high education. The reducing medium also positively influences
the reduction of iron oxides (Fe2+ to Fe+) contained in loess-like loam, the chemical ratio
of which is Fe+ more active than Fe2+, which predetermines the acceleration of the
formation of the liquid phase. Further heating of the sintered material layer leads to a
decrease in the viscosity of the liquid phase, thereby enveloping the grain of the refractory
component, or dissolves in them, forming new chemical compounds.

  • Read count 307
  • Date of publication 01-01-2018
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages21

Preliminary studies have established that the process of burning ceramic
bricks containing coke-fines as burn-in additives proceeds much faster, with minimal
energy expenditure than the traditional method. Also, under these conditions, it is
established that the coke fines serve as a reducing agent and accompanies the
decomposition of difficult to decompose salts (Na2SO4, CaSO4), which eliminates such
negative phenomena as high education. The reducing medium also positively influences
the reduction of iron oxides (Fe2+ to Fe+) contained in loess-like loam, the chemical ratio
of which is Fe+ more active than Fe2+, which predetermines the acceleration of the
formation of the liquid phase. Further heating of the sintered material layer leads to a
decrease in the viscosity of the liquid phase, thereby enveloping the grain of the refractory
component, or dissolves in them, forming new chemical compounds.


Предварительные исследования показали, что процесс сжигания
керамических кирпичей, содержащих кокс-мелочь в качестве присадок для ожога,
протекает гораздо быстрее, с минимальными затратами энергии, чем традиционный
метод. Кроме того, в этих условиях установлено, что мелочи кокса служат в качестве
восстановителя и сопровождают разложение трудноразлагаемых солей (Na2SO4,
CaSO4), что устраняет такие негативные явления, как высшее образование.
Редукционная среда также положительно влияет на восстановление оксидов железа
(Fe2+ до Fe+), содержащихся в лёссоподобных суглинках, химическое соотношение
которых Fe+ более активное, чем Fe2+, что предопределяет ускорение образования
жидкой фазы. Дальнейшее нагревание спеченного слоя материала приводит к
уменьшению вязкости жидкой фазы, таким образом, обволакивающему зерно
огнеупорного компонента, или растворяется в них, образуя новые химические

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Babayev Z.K. candidate of technical sciences, Professor, Chemical Technology Faculty, UrDU
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