Coaches involved in strength training, a prerequisite of modern training, exercise based on scientific and theoretical considerations that to do exercise without weights and weight exercises on game methods are highly effective in developing the strengths of hand and leg muscles.

  • Read count 253
  • Date of publication 01-01-2018
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages143

Coaches involved in strength training, a prerequisite of modern training, exercise based on scientific and theoretical considerations that to do exercise without weights and weight exercises on game methods are highly effective in developing the strengths of hand and leg muscles.


Тренеры, занимающиеся силовой подготовкой, предпосылкой современного обучения, упражнения, основанные на научных и теоретических соображениях, которые делают упражнения без весов и весовых упражнений по игровым методам, очень эффективны в развитии сильных сторон мышц рук и ног.


Kuchli mashg'ulotlarda qatnashadigan murabbiylar, zamonaviy ta'limning sharti, mashqlarni mashq qilishda og'irlik va og'irliksiz mashqlarni bajarish uchun ilmiy va nazariy asoslarga asoslangan mashqlar qo'l va oyoq mushaklarining kuchli rivojlanishida juda samarali.

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Saidmamatov O.. Methodist at physical culture faculty of Urgench State University. UrDU
Name of reference
1 Teodorescu, L. (1975) – Probleme de teorie şi metodică în jocurile sportive, Ed. Sport-Turism, Bucureşti.
2 Brown, L.E., V.A. Ferrigno, and J.C. Santana, eds. Training for Speed, Agility, and Quickness. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics, 2000.
3 Costello, F., and E.J. Kreis. Sports Agility. Nashville, TN: Taylor Sports Publishing, Inc., 1993.
4 Bompa, T. (2001)– Periodizarea – Teoria şi metodologia antrenamentului sportiv, CNFPA, Bucureşti.