In the article, effect of Rhizobium 3 and Rhizobium 9 preparations 
on growth of mungbean (Vigna radiata L.) were studied. The increase of the preparation Rhizobium 9 on number of nodules and growth of mungbean compared 
to Rhizobium 3 and control were determined. 

  • Read count 269
  • Date of publication 01-01-2018
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages67

Мақолада  мош (Vigna radiata  L.) ўсимлигининг  ўсишига 
Rhizobium 3 ва Rhizobium 9 препаратларининг таъсири ўрганилган. Rhizobium 
9 препарати назорат ва Rhizobium 3 препаратига нисбатан мош ўсимлигининг 
ўсишини ва тугунаклар сонини ошириши аниқланган. 


В статье приведены данные влияние препаратов Rhizobium 
3  и  Rhizobium  9  на  рост  растений  маша.  Выявлено  усиление  роста  и 
увеличение  количество  клубеньков  при  обработке  семян  препаратом 
Rhizobium 9 по сравнению препарата Rhizobium 3 и контрольного варианта. 


In the article, effect of Rhizobium 3 and Rhizobium 9 preparations 
on growth of mungbean (Vigna radiata L.) were studied. The increase of the preparation Rhizobium 9 on number of nodules and growth of mungbean compared 
to Rhizobium 3 and control were determined. 

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Jabborova D.P. Senior researcher, Institute of Genetics and Plant Experimental Biology UzMU
2 Baboev S.K. Doctor of biological sciences, Institute of Genetics and Plant Experimental Biology UzMU
3 Davranov K.. Doctor of Biological sciences, professor UzMU
Name of reference
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