The article illustrates historical heritage of middle age scientists’ especially great Khorezmian thinker Al-Khorezmys scientific creations. 

  • Read count 235
  • Date of publication 01-01-2018
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages92

В статье рассматривается историческое наследие учёных и мыслитетлей средневекового востока особенное наследия, великого хорейзмица АЛ-Хорезмий.


Мақолада ўрта асрда шарқ олимлари ва мутафаккирларининг тарихий мероси, жумладан буюк хоразмлик аллома Ал-Хоразмийнинг ўлмас асарлари тахлил қилинган.


The article illustrates historical heritage of middle age scientists’ especially great Khorezmian thinker Al-Khorezmys scientific creations. 

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Ruzmetov B.. deputy of the regional Council, doctor of economic sciences, professor, member of New York Academy of science USA. UrDU
2 Bakhtiyorov S.. student, Urgench state university UrDU
Name of reference
1 I.A. Karimov “High Spirituality Is Invincible Force” Tshakent Uzbekistan 2008.
2 “Classical science of Central Asia and the modern world civilization” Tashkent “Fan”, 2000.