In this article, learning Uzbek Khorezm dishes, the superstitions connected with food, the process of transformation in traditional cuisine of Khorezm.

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  • Date of publication 01-01-2018
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages77

In this article, learning Uzbek Khorezm dishes, the superstitions connected with food, the process of transformation in traditional cuisine of Khorezm.


Ушбу мақоланинг мақсади ўзбек анъанавий таомларини ўрганиш, шунингдек Хоразм таомлари билан боғлиқ бўлган урф-одат ва маросимларни тадқиқ қилишдан иборат.


Основная цель этой статьи изучение узбекские традиционные блюда, обычаи и традиции связанные с блюдами Хорезма, трансформационный процесс в хорезмской традиционной кухне.

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Matkarimova S.M. Candidate of historical science, Associate Professor at the History Department of Urgench state university UrDU
Name of reference
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