This article outlines the role of small business and private entrepreneurship in the industry, which is one of the leading sectors of the economy, as well as increasing the incomes and well-being of the population.

  • Read count 203
  • Date of publication 01-01-2018
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages170

Mazkur maqolada kichik biznes va xususiy tadbirkorlikning mamlakat iqtisodiyotining yetakchi tarmoqlaridan biri hisoblangan sanoatda tutgan o’rni va aholining daromadlari va farovonligini oshirishdagi roli ochib berilgan.


В этой статье описывается роль малого бизнеса и частного предпринимательства в отрасли, которая является одним из ведущих секторов экономики, а также в увеличении доходов и благосостояния населения.


This article outlines the role of small business and private entrepreneurship in the industry, which is one of the leading sectors of the economy, as well as increasing the incomes and well-being of the population.

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Jumaniyazova S. . assistant teacher, Urgench State University, The faculty of Tourism and economics. UrDU
Name of reference
1 Appeal of Shavkat Mirziyoev, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the Parliament. "Xalq so’zi", December 23, 2017.
2 . Abdurakhim Ortikov. "Sanoat iqtisodiyoti". Uzbek Writers' Association Literary Fund, Tashkent, 2004.
3 www.iqtisodiyot.uz
4 www.stat.uz