"Transition period" is a very rarely studied subject in literature, but its study is of great importance for science. The concept of a "transition period" is broad and complex, and during this period, states transform from one stage of development to another and certainly all states experience this process. Various definitions and approaches of the concept of the “transition period” are illuminated in this scientific literature.
“Ўтиш даври” адабиётларда жуда кам ўрганилган мавзу бўлиб, мазкур масалани ўрганиш мухим аҳамиятга эга. “Ўтиш даври”, ўта кенг ва мураккаб тушунча бўлиб давлатлар тараққиётини бир босқичдан иккинчи босқичга кириб бориши билан боғлиқ жараён ҳисобланади, ҳамда барча давлатлар бу даврни бошидан кечирадилар. “Ўтиш даври”га илмий адабиётларда муаллифлар томонидан берилган таърифлар ва ёндашувлар мазкур мақолада ўз аксини топган.
Тема переходного периода в научных источниках мало освещена, однако её изучение имеет для науки большое значение. Понятие “переходный период” является широкой и сложной и все государства при переходе с одного этапа развития на другой переживают этот процесс. В данной статье отражены различные определения и подходы понятия переходного периода освещённые в научных литературах.
"Transition period" is a very rarely studied subject in literature, but its study is of great importance for science. The concept of a "transition period" is broad and complex, and during this period, states transform from one stage of development to another and certainly all states experience this process. Various definitions and approaches of the concept of the “transition period” are illuminated in this scientific literature.
№ | Author name | position | Name of organisation |
1 | Madaminov I.D. | Urgench State University the teacher of the department of "The theory of building a democratic society in Uzbekistan" | UrDU |
№ | Name of reference |
1 | Enlightenment: Basic Terms Definition Dictionary.–Тashkent, Publish Office ‘Gafur Gulom’, 2009. p. 705 |
2 | М.Kirghizboyev”Theory and Practice of Building Democratic Society in Uzbekistan”. –Т.: “Navruz”, 2014,p. 83 |
3 | L.I. Levitin “Uzbekistan in historical reform step”. –Т.: “Uzbekistan”, 2001. p. 196-197. |