The results of the evaluation of the frequency and risk factors of developing food allergies, particularly its etiological structure and immunological characteristics in children of HELL, which has several pharmacologically stable chronic diseases presented in the article. Food Allergy was detected in 65% of children. Etiological structure of food sensitization has its own characteristics in accordance with the nosology of the disease. Children with atypical signs of disease show a combination of pathogenetic mechanisms of development of food Allergy. of allergic reaction Annotatsiya

  • Read count 510
  • Date of publication 01-01-2018
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages31

Результаты оценки частоты и факторов риска развития пищевой аллергии, особенно ее этиологической структуры и иммунологических характеристик у детей АД, которые имеют несколько фармакологически устойчивых хронических заболеваний, представленных в статье. Пищевая аллергия была обнаружена у 65% детей. Этиологическая структура пищевой сенсибилизации имеет свои особенности в соответствии с нозологией болезни. Дети с атипичными признаками заболевания проявляют сочетание патогенетических механизмов развития пищевой аллергии.


The results of the evaluation of the frequency and risk factors of developing food allergies, particularly its etiological structure and immunological characteristics in children of HELL, which has several pharmacologically stable chronic diseases presented in the article. Food Allergy was detected in 65% of children. Etiological structure of food sensitization has its own characteristics in accordance with the nosology of the disease. Children with atypical signs of disease show a combination of pathogenetic mechanisms of development of food Allergy. of allergic reaction Annotatsiya

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Nazarov . . lecturer of department of hospital, policlinic pediatrics Ub of DMA, Associate Professor UrDU
2 Ganiev A.G. lecturer of department of hospital pediatrics of ASMI, associate Professor UrDU
3 Urumbaeva S.A. lecturer of department of hospital pediatrics of ASMI, assistant UrDU
4 Abdurashidov A.A. Master of department of hospital pediatrics of ASMI Andijan state medical Institute Urgench branch of Tashkent Medical Academy UrDU
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