It is investigated the dependence of intercapacitance between two point charges located in different environments on the relative position of border. The image method is used. It is considered two cases: the charges is located at line which is perpendicular to the border and the charges is located at  line which is not perpendicular to the border. The result show that in both cases the capacitance is increased with displacement the border

  • Read count 441
  • Date of publication 01-01-2018
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages33

Maqolada ikkita turli muhitda joylashgan nuqtaviy zaryadlar orasidagi o`zaro sig`imning muhitlar chegarasi siljigan holda o`zgarishi o`rganilgan. Masala elektrodinamikaning tasvirlar usuli bilan tadqiq qilingan. Ikki hol o`rganilgan, birinchi holda zaryadlar chegara chizig`iga perpendikulyar bo`lgan bitta to`g`ri chiziqda joylashgan, ikkinchi holda zaryadlar yotgan chiziq chegaraga perpendikulyar emas. Tadqiqot natijasida aniqlandiki ikki holda ham muhitning siljishi zaryadlar orasidagi o`zaro sig`imning ortishiga olib keladi


В статье рассматривается зависимость взаимной емкости двух точечных зарядов расположенных в двух различных средах от положения границы раздела сред. Рассматриваются два случая: зарядқ расположены на прямой перпендикулярной к границе раздела и заряда расположены на прямой не перпендикулярной к границе раздела. Используется метод изображений. Результат показывает, что взаимная емкоть двух зарядов увеличивается при смещении границы раздела двух сред в обоих случаях


It is investigated the dependence of intercapacitance between two point charges located in different environments on the relative position of border. The image method is used. It is considered two cases: the charges is located at line which is perpendicular to the border and the charges is located at  line which is not perpendicular to the border. The result show that in both cases the capacitance is increased with displacement the border

Name of reference
1 Azzedin Es-Shakhi, Masud Chowdhury. Analysis of device capacitance and subthreshold behavior of Tri-gate SOI FinFET. Microelectronics Journal, 62, (2017), 30-37
2 Hildenburg V.B., Miller M.A., Collection of problems in electrodynamics. A manual for university students enrolled in physical areas and specialties.- M. Fizmatgiz, 2001, 168 p.
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