Тhe effect of alkaline earth oxides on the physicochemical properties of easy-melting vitreous enamels for architectural and building products are studied. It was established that with the increase of ionic radions of the elements of modifier introduced into the vitreous decreases the viscosity of the molten glass. Also, the dependence of surface tension on the vitreous content of alkaline earth oxides is increased while output modifiers limits up to 20%
Тhe effect of alkaline earth oxides on the physicochemical properties of easy-melting vitreous enamels for architectural and building products are studied. It was established that with the increase of ionic radions of the elements of modifier introduced into the vitreous decreases the viscosity of the molten glass. Also, the dependence of surface tension on the vitreous content of alkaline earth oxides is increased while output modifiers limits up to 20%
Изучено влияние щелочноземельных оксидов на физикохимические свойства легкоплавких стеклоэмалей для архитектурно-строительных изделий. Установлено, что с увеличением ионных радиусов элементовмодификаторов, вводимы в стеклоэмали, снижается вязкость стекломассы. Также выявлена зависимость поверхностного натяжения стеклоэмали от содержания щелочноземельных оксидов
№ | Author name | position | Name of organisation |
1 | Babaev Z. . | candidate of technical sciences, Professor, Chemical Technology Faculty | UrDU |
2 | Matchanov .K. | candidate of technical sciences, Dotsent, Chemical Technology Faculty | UrDU |
3 | Buranova .. | Department of Chemical Technology, Chemical Technology Faculty | UrDU |
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