This article analyzes existing problems in archive affairs as the archive field is considered as a part of the public service. Moreover, the article provides scientific recommendations in the regard of problems. 

  • Read count208
  • Date of publication01-01-2018
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages86

This article analyzes existing problems in archive affairs as the archive field is considered as a part of the public service. Moreover, the article provides scientific recommendations in the regard of problems. 


В этой статье анализируются существующие проблемы в архивах, поскольку поле архива рассматривается как часть государственной службы. Кроме того, в статье представлены научные рекомендации в отношении проблем.


Ушбу мақолада давлат хизматлари кўрсатиш тизимини таркибий қисми ҳисобланган архив муассасалари бошқарув фаолиятидаги мавжуд муаммолари таҳлил этилиб, уларнинг ечимлари борасида илмий таклифлар ишлаб чиқилган.

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Nurimbetov R.I. Tashkent Architecture and Construction Institute Vice-Rector for Research and innovation, Doctor of Economics, Professor Tashkent
2 Abdurakhimov M.D. PhD student, The academy of public administration under the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan Academy of Public administration under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Name of reference
1 Collection of the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 2017, No. 6, Article 70
2 http://press-service.uz/uz/lists/view/1371
3 Collection of the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 2010, No. 24-25, Article 192
4 http://tekhnosfera.com/view/516102/a?#?page=3
5 http://biz-archive.ru/details
6 http://www.b-a.kz/Services
7 http://www.lex.uz/pages/getact.aspx?lact_id=111189
8 Isakova M. Formation and development of archival affairs in Uzbekistan. Monograph.-Tashkent, University, -2012.-152 p.
9 http://archive.uz/post/biz-iigirma-besh-yeshdamiz-nomli-yesharkhiwchilar-forumi
10 https://stat.uz/uz/432-analiticheskie-materialy-uz/2036-o-zbekistonrespublikasida-aholi-turmush-darajasi-va-faravonligining-rivojlanishi-tahlil