One of the methods to optimize the learning process is a related training in all kinds of speech activity. This paper discusses issues relating to training receptive types of speech activity (reading and listening), namely especially the conditions in which they arise; real communication conditions in comparison with the educational process; psychological mechanisms involved; mutual receptive types of speech activity

  • Read count 167
  • Date of publication 01-01-2018
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages173

One of the methods to optimize the learning process is a related training in all kinds of speech activity. This paper discusses issues relating to training receptive types of speech activity (reading and listening), namely especially the conditions in which they arise; real communication conditions in comparison with the educational process; psychological mechanisms involved; mutual receptive types of speech activity


Одним из способов оптимизации процесса обучения является связанная с этим подготовка во всех видах речевой деятельности. В этом статье обсуждаются вопросы, связанные с обучением восприимчивых типов речевой деятельности (чтение и прослушивание), а именно, особенно условия, в которых они возникают; реальные условия общения по сравнению с учебным процессом; психологические механизмы; взаимно восприимчивые типы речевой активности


O'quv jarayonini optimallashtirish usullaridan biri nutq faolligining barcha turlari bilan bog'liq bo’lgan treningdir. Ushbu maqolada nutq faolligini qabul qiluvchi turlarini (o'qish va tinglash), xususan, ular paydo bo'lgan sharoitlarni o'rganish bilan bog'liq masalalar; o'quv jarayoniga nisbatan haqiqiy aloqa sharoitlari; psixologik mexanizmlar; interfaol nutq faoliyati turlari muhokama qilinadi

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Rakhimova U.S.
Name of reference
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