In this article the main attention is paid to the creation of Shakespeare’s tragedies and their roles in the world literature. In the following there are given information about Shakespeare’s realistic views and their description in his tragedies. In addition, in this article you can know about politeness theory which was used in Shakespeare’s major tragedies. The main periods of play writer’s life and creation of works are also given in the following. While reading we can learn it is obvious from Shakespeare’s works that he is aware of the various fields of his works.

  • Read count 186
  • Date of publication 01-01-2018
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages191

Ushbu maqolada Shakespearning fojialari va ularning jahon adabiyotidagi rollarini yaratishga asosiy e'tibor qaratilgan. Quyida Shakespearning haqiqiy qarashlari va ularning fojealari haqidagi ta'riflari haqida ma'lumot beriladi. Bundan tashqari, ushbu maqolada siz Shekspirning asosiy fojialarida ishlatilgan xushmuomalalik nazariyasi haqida bilib olishingiz mumkin. O'yinni yozuvchining hayoti va asarlarini yaratishning asosiy davrlari quyidagi hollarda ham keltiriladi. O'qish jarayonida biz Shakespearning asarlaridan uning asarlari turli sohalaridan xabardor ekanini bilib olishimiz mumkin


В этой статье основное внимание уделяется созданию трагедий Шекспира и их роли в мировой литературе. Ниже приводятся сведения о реалистичных взглядах Шекспира и их описании в его трагедиях. Кроме того, в этой статье вы можете узнать о теории вежливости, которая использовалась в основных трагедиях Шекспира. Основные периоды жизни писателя и создание произведений также приведены ниже. Во время чтения мы можем узнать, что из работ Шекспира очевидно, что он знает о различных областях своих работ.


In this article the main attention is paid to the creation of Shakespeare’s tragedies and their roles in the world literature. In the following there are given information about Shakespeare’s realistic views and their description in his tragedies. In addition, in this article you can know about politeness theory which was used in Shakespeare’s major tragedies. The main periods of play writer’s life and creation of works are also given in the following. While reading we can learn it is obvious from Shakespeare’s works that he is aware of the various fields of his works.

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Gaffarova D. .
Name of reference
1 Fang, H., & Heng, J. H. (1983). Social changes and changing address norms in China. Language in Society 12:495-507
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3 Bower, Anne, (1968) 'The fool's disappearance: a performance survey'. Shakespear( & Renaissance Association of West Virginia: Selected Papers, 11,pp. 32-38.
4 Bradley, A. C., (1929) 'Feste the jester' in A Miscellany, London: Macmillan, pp. 207-217.
5 Brainerd, Barron, (1979) 'Pronouns and genre in Shakespeare's drama', Computers and the Humanities, 13 (1), pp. 3-16
6 Stainton, Caroline, (1987) 'Interruptions: a marker of social distance? ', OPSL (Occasional Papers in Systemic Linguistics), 2, pp. 75-132.
7 Stein, Dieter, (1985) 'Discourse markers in Early Modern English', Papers from the 4th International Conference on English Historical Linguistics, edited by Roger Eaton, Olga Fischer, William Koopman and Frederike Van Deer Leek, Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 283-302.
8 . Stone, Lawrence, (1966) 'Social mobility in England, 1500-1700'. Past and Present, 33, pp. 16-55.
9 Stroup, T. B., (1961) 'Cordelia and the Fool', Shakespeare Quarterly, 12, pp. 127-132.
10 Taylor, Gary, (1980) 'The war in 'King Lear", Shakespeare Survey, 33, pp. 27-34.
11 Taylor, Gary, (1983) 'Monopolies, show trials, disaster and invasion: King Lear and censorship', in Taylor, Gary and Michael Warren, eds., (1983), pp. 75- 119.