The article presents the results of studies of the influence of the unevenness of roundness of the spinning rings on the tension of the yarn produced. It is also noted that if the shape of the ring is distorted, then the slider's trajectory is not a circle, but some closed curve that follows the shape of the ring, while, in general, at each subsequent time, the slider moves along a curve with a different curvature radius. The design scheme and the method for calculating the tension of the yarn from the profile of the ring are given

  • Read count 263
  • Date of publication 01-01-2018
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages75

Keltirilgan maqolada xalqali yigiruv mashinalari xalqalari gardishi noteksligini o`rganayotgan ip tarangligiga ta`sirini o`rganish uchun o`tkazilgan izlanishlar natijalari keltirilgan. Agarda halqa gardishi notekslikka ega bo`lsa yugurdak harakat traektoriyasi ma`lum bir yopiq egri chiziqni tashkil etadi va har bir aylanish davrida yugurdak noteks yo`l bo`ylab harakatlanadi. Bunda ipga ta`sir etuvchi taranglik kuchini harakat yo`li qonuniga bog`liqligi hisoblash usuli keltirilgan


В статье приводятся результаты исследований влияниянеровномерности округлости прядильных колец на натяжения вырабатываемой пряжи. Также отмечается, что если форма кольца искажена, то траектория бегунка представляет собой не круг, а некоторую замкнутую кривую, повторяющую форму кольца, при этом , в общем случае, в каждый последующий момент времени бегунок движется по кривой с другим радиусом кривизны. Приводится расчетная схема и методика расчета натяжения пряжи от профиля кольца


The article presents the results of studies of the influence of the unevenness of roundness of the spinning rings on the tension of the yarn produced. It is also noted that if the shape of the ring is distorted, then the slider's trajectory is not a circle, but some closed curve that follows the shape of the ring, while, in general, at each subsequent time, the slider moves along a curve with a different curvature radius. The design scheme and the method for calculating the tension of the yarn from the profile of the ring are given

Name of reference
1 Dzhurabekov R.M. "Study of the durability of torsional runners made of polyamide materials" Kostroma 1974.
2 Mkarov A.I. "Calculation and design of spinning machines" Moscow. Mashnstroenie .1981
3 Minakov A.P. “Fundamentals of thread mechanics. Nit MTI t 9.Issue 1 1941. p. 97