This article deals with the importance of geoecology today, the methodological foundations of this subject, and the emphasis on science in our country. In addition, the purpose and subject of the geoecology, the developing styles of this subject in world practice are also described.

  • Read count 341
  • Date of publication 03-06-2019
  • Main LanguageIngliz
  • Pages62-68

Ushbu maqolada geoekologiya fanining bugungi kundagi ahamiyati, bu fanning metodologik asoslari hamda yurtimizda bu fanga qaratilgan e‘tibor haqida so‘z boradi. Bundan tashqari, geoekologiya fanining maqsadi, vazifasi hamda jahon tajribasida bu fanning rivojlanish uslublari haqida ham bayon etib o`tilgan


В этой статье рассматриваются важность геоэкологии сегодня, методологические основы этого предмета и акцент на науке в нашей стране. Кроме того, описаны цель и предмет геоэкологии, стили развития этого предмета в мировой практике


This article deals with the importance of geoecology today, the methodological foundations of this subject, and the emphasis on science in our country. In addition, the purpose and subject of the geoecology, the developing styles of this subject in world practice are also described.

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Matsaidova S.K. Candidate of pedagogical sciences, Geodesy, cartography, cadastre, geography, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Urgench State University UrDU
2 Aminov B.B. Student, Department of geodesy, cartography, cadaster and geography, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Urgench State University UrDU
Name of reference
1 Alexander, Earl B., Robert G. Coleman, Todd Keeler-Wolf, and Susan P. Harrison. 2007. Serpentine geoecology of western North America: Geology, soils and vegetation. New York: Oxford Univ. Press.
2 Barrett, Gary W., and John D. Peles, eds. 1999. Landscape ecology of small mammals. New York: Springer.
3 Huggett, Richard J. 1995. Geoecology: An evolutionary approach. New York: Routledge. DOI: 10.4324/9780203307373E-mail Citation
4 Knoll, Andrew H., Donald E. Canfield, and Kurt O. Konhauser, eds. 2012. Fundamentals of geobiology. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. DOI: 10.1002/9781118280874E-mail Citation