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Name:Toshkent davlat transport universiteti

Address:100167 Toshkent sh., Temiryoʻlchilar koʻchasi 1 uy

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Email: rektorat@tstu.uz

Name vol. 1 issue 3 2024
Journal Transport xabarnomasi - Journal of Transport - Вестник транспорта
Volume Number 1
Published At 30/09/2024
Pages 178
Issue Number 3
Total number 1
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Binolarni seysmik to‘lqinlardan himoya qilishda seysmik to‘siqning masofaviy joylashuvi samaradorligini aniqlash

Transport xabarnomasi - Journal of Transport - Вестник транспорта

O'zbek 125-127 2 2

Uch о‘lchovli xajmli jismlarning elastoplastik deformatsiyasi masalalarini shakllantirish

Transport xabarnomasi - Journal of Transport - Вестник транспорта

O'zbek 128-131 2 2

The effect of a multifunctional additive and a low-activity mineral filler on the formation of porosity and microstructure of a cement composite

Transport xabarnomasi - Journal of Transport - Вестник транспорта

Ingliz 132-135 1 1

Evaluation of the impact of automatic transmission vehicles on intersection capacity on urban arterial streets

Transport xabarnomasi - Journal of Transport - Вестник транспорта

Ingliz 136-140 2 2

Toshkent davlat transport universitetining boshqaruv tizimini takomillashtirishda strategik rejalashtirishni shakllantirish

Transport xabarnomasi - Journal of Transport - Вестник транспорта

O'zbek 141-146 1 1