The peer-reviewed open access journal “JOURNAL OF INNOVATIVE RESEARCH IN TEXTILE AND LIGHT INDUSTRY” has been published since 2021 and serves as a platform for disseminating the results of scientific research in the textile field. Its main goal is the synthesis of scientific and practical achievements in the field of textile, light, cotton industries, ecology and labor protection and economics of the industry.

The publication is included in the list of peer-reviewed scientific publications in which the main scientific results of dissertations for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Science in specialties should be published.

Bosh muharrir: kimyo fanlari doktori, professor Adxam Salimovich Rafiqov.

Bosh muharrir о‘rinbosari: texnika bо‘yicha falsafa doktori, dotsent Asror Mahmayusupovich Daminov

Mas’ul kotib: texnika bо‘yicha falsafa doktori, dotsent Nodir Amonovich Navruzov

Tahririyat hay’ati:

Tabiiy tolalarni dastlabki ishlash texnologiyasi;

t.f.d., prof. A.Z.Mamatov, t.f.d., prof. A.Parpiyev, t.f.d., prof. M.Ergashov, t.f.n., prof., A.A.Ismailov, t.f.d., dots. SH.SH.Xakimov, t.f.n., prof A.M.Salimov,  t.f.d., dots. X.S.Usmanov, PhD., dots. M.E.Ruzmetov, t.f.n. dots. M.A.Gapparova, PhD., prof. A.P.Mavlyanov, PhD., dots. T.Tuychiyev, PhD., dots. N.A.Navruzov, PhD., dots. M.M.Ochilov, PhD. SH.SH.Shuxratov, PhD.,dots. M.D.Shoraxmedova, DSc, M.X.Axmedov, PhD.,dots. E.Berdanov, PhD, S.Elmonov, PhD, B.N.Kuziyev, PhD, M.Bobomurodov

Ipak ishlab chiqarish texnologiyasi;

t.f.d., prof. A.E.Gulamov, DSc. J.A.Axmedov, t.f.d., dots. K.R.Avazov, DSc Q.E.Sobirov, PhD., dots. X.X.Umirzakova, PhD., A.P.Eshmirzayev, PhD., M.A.Hakimova

Yigirish texnologiyasi;

t.f.n., dots. T.B.Murodov, t.f.n., dots. S.L.Matismailov, t.f.n., dots. A.P.Pirmatov, t.f.n., dots. SH.R.Fayzullayev, PhD., dots. O.O.Rajapov, PhD., dots. F.F.Raxmatullinov, PhD., K.Axmedov

Tо‘qimachilik matolari ishlab chiqarish texnologiyasi;

t.f.d., prof. M.M.Muqimov, t.f.d., prof. N.R.Xanxodjayeva, DSc., D.N.Kadirova, t.f.d., dots. U.T.Abdullayev, t.f.n., dots. B.K.Xasanov, PhD., dots. B.D.Doniyorov, t.f.n., dots. M.A.Doniyorova, PhD. G.X.Gulyayeva, PhD. X.A.Xazratkulov, PhD. X.Y.Rasulov, PhD., dots. N.B.Yusupova, PhD., dots. O.A.Ortiqov, PhD., dots. U.R.Uzakova, PhD., v.b. dots. R.M.Yangiboyev

Tо‘qimachilik materialshunosligi;

t.f.d., prof. S.A.Xamroyeva, t.f.n., prof. T.A.Ochilov, PhD. U.B.Rajabova

Kimyoviy texnologiya;

t.f.d., prof. D.B.Xudoyberdiyeva, t.f.d., prof. I.A.Nabiyeva, DSc., dots. M.X.Mirzaxmedova, t.f.n., dots. M.SH.Xasanova, t.f.n., dots. N.S.Amirova, PhD., dots. S.X.Karimov, t.fn., dots., S.X.Xasanova

Tikuv buyumlari ishlab chiqarish texnologiyasi;

t.f.d., prof. S.SH.Toshpulatov, t.f.d., prof. M.A.Mansurova, t.f.n., dots. M.Babadjanova, PhD., dots. A.B.Kasimova

Charm buyumlari ishlab chiqarish texnologiyasi;

t.f.d., dots. A.Y.Toshev, t.f.d., dots. N.B.Mirzayev, PhD., dots. D.Z.Pazilova

Matbaa texnologiyalari;

t.f.d., prof. X.A.Babaxanova, PhD. I.A.Bulanov, PhD., dots. A.A.Djalilov, PhD., D.R.Safayeva

Mehnat muxofazasi va texnika xavfsizligi;

t.f.d., dots. O.M.Yо‘ldosheva, t.f.n., S.T.Tuxtabayev, t.f.n., dots. I.Axmedov, PhD., J.S.Arabov, PhD., F.Sirojiddinov, PhD., N.Xusanova.

Yengil sanoat korxonalari iqtisodiyoti;

PhD. N.M.Muminova, PhD. M.X.Temirov, PhD. O.A.Davronov, PhD. I.B.Jumaniyazov, PhD., M.R.Xudoykulov, PhD., B.B.Djurayev, PhD. Z.X.Bazarov

Soxaga tegishli fundamental fanlar, ingliz va nemis tili filologiyasi;
DSc. F.Ikromxonova, PhD. G.Inamova, PhD. X.Boymonov