The field of this paper research is the Karakalpak linguaculture which is paradigmatic issue and the continuation of psychological-ethnic reality. It was done several types of analyses of concept ―adam‖ in this paper, which referred to the method of enriching materials and definitions in the Karakalpak lingua picture of the world. It was analyzed definitions of the word in the Turkic etymological dictionary, and collected data with the help of open ended questions. As the result of these investigations we may say that ―adam‖ (man) has his own meaning, status and place in all cultures; he is taken as the starting point of all issues, as social, law, religious, moral.
Ушбу тадқиқот мақсади – антропоцентрик парадигма ва психологик-этник реалияни ўрганишни давом эттириш муаммоси бўлган қорақалпоқ тилшунослигига қаратилган. Мазкур мақола, ―Одам‖ концептосферасининг вербализаторларининг деффинициялари изоҳли ва этимологик луғатлар асосида таҳлил қилинган бўлиб, жумладан бу таҳлил қорақалпоқ тилининг изоҳли луғатининг лисоний бойишига ва қорақалпоқ дунѐ манзарасида ―одам‖ концептосферасининг ўзига хослигин аниқлашга ѐрдам беради. Чунончи, қўйидаги концептни таърифловчи лисоний воситалар Туркий тилларининг этимологик луғати ѐрдамида таҳлил қилинди. Таҳлил натижасида ―одам‖ концептосферасининг ҳар бир маданиятда ўз мазмуни, мавқеи ва жойи борлигин айтиш мумкин, яъни ушбу масала ижтимоий, хуқуқий, диний, аҳлоқий масалар каби барча масалаларнинг асосий тушунчалар сифатида ўрганилади.
Область настоящего исследования - каракалпакская лингвокультура, которая является проблемой антропоцентрической парадигмы и продолжением психолого-этнической реальности. В этой статье было сделано несколько видов анализа вербализаторов концептосферы «адам», в котором упоминался метод обогащения материалами толкового словаря и определений в каракалпакской языковой картине мира. Проанализированы вербализаторы концепта в тюркском этимологическом словаре, а также собраны данные с помощью открытых вопросов. В результате этих исследований мы можем сказать, что «Адам» (человек) имеет свое собственное значение, статус и место во всех культурах; он понимается как основное понятие всех вопросов, как социальных, правовых, религиозных, моральных.
The field of this paper research is the Karakalpak linguaculture which is paradigmatic issue and the continuation of psychological-ethnic reality. It was done several types of analyses of concept ―adam‖ in this paper, which referred to the method of enriching materials and definitions in the Karakalpak lingua picture of the world. It was analyzed definitions of the word in the Turkic etymological dictionary, and collected data with the help of open ended questions. As the result of these investigations we may say that ―adam‖ (man) has his own meaning, status and place in all cultures; he is taken as the starting point of all issues, as social, law, religious, moral.
№ | Муаллифнинг исми | Лавозими | Ташкилот номи |
1 | Kdirbaeva G.. | PhD | Nukus State Pedagogical Institute |
2 | Ajimuratova G.. | Student | Nukus State Pedagogical Institute |
№ | Ҳавола номи |
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5 | [5]. The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2009. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved. |
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