In the article, the author gives different notions about corruption, as well as the consequences that corruption can lead to. Based on numerous studies, the author of the article considered the strategy for combating corruption in Singapore, as well as the beginning of a practical study of the experience of Singapore in Uzbekistan. In conclusion, based on the analysis of the sources, the author gave a conclusion, as well as some recommendations, to strengthen the fight against corruption in Uzbekistan. At the moment, this problem is relevant and requires further, in-depth study
Maqolada Singupurni korrupciyaga qarshi kurashishningtarixi va tajribasi tadqiq etilgan. Muallif tomonidan korrupciyani moxiyati va oqibatlari ko‘rsatilgan. Ko‘plab ma‘lumotlar asosida Singapurda korrupciyaga qarshi kurashis strategiyasi o‘rganilgan va uni O‘zbekistonda o‘rganilishini amaliy axamiyati yoritilgan. Shunindek, O‘zbekistonda korrupciyaga qarshi kurashishini yanada kuchaytirishga qaratilgan tavsiyalar berilgan.
В данной статье исследуется история, а также опыт борьбы Сингапура с коррупцией. Автором статьи дается сущность понятия коррупции, последствия, к которым может привести коррупция. На основе источников, автором статьи была рассмотрена стратегия борьбы с коррупцией в Сингапуре, а также начало практического изучения опыта Сингапура Узбекистаном. В заключении автором были даны некоторые рекомендации, для усиления в Узбекистане борьбы с коррупцией.
In the article, the author gives different notions about corruption, as well as the consequences that corruption can lead to. Based on numerous studies, the author of the article considered the strategy for combating corruption in Singapore, as well as the beginning of a practical study of the experience of Singapore in Uzbekistan. In conclusion, based on the analysis of the sources, the author gave a conclusion, as well as some recommendations, to strengthen the fight against corruption in Uzbekistan. At the moment, this problem is relevant and requires further, in-depth study
№ | Муаллифнинг исми | Лавозими | Ташкилот номи |
1 | Shakirov .R. | PhD researcher, Faculty of history, | National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek |
№ | Ҳавола номи |
1 | Transparency International calls world‘s countries to contend against the bribe. Available online at: https:// (accessed 10.01.2019) |
2 | Anticorruption of Russian and foreign experiences Available online at: (accessed 10.01.2019) |
3 | Uzbekistan little improved his position in the corruption perceptions index. Available online at: (accessed 11.01.2019) |
4 | President Shavkat Mirziyoyev congratulated nation with the 26 years of Constitution of Uzbekistan. Available online at: / ru/post/prezidentshavkat-mirziyoev-pozdravil-narod-s-26-letiem-konstitutsii (accessed 12.01.2019) |
5 | Rating‘s world countries of perceiving corruption. Available online at: https:// corruption -perceptions-index/info/( accessed 06.01.2019 |