In the article there were analyzedthe relations between Sultan Abusaid Mirza – the ruler of Temurids‘ state and khan of Mongolia Yunuskhan on the basis of historical sources and some opinions on this issue were narrated

  • Ўқишлар сони 358
  • Нашр санаси 01-01-2018
  • Мақола тилиIngliz
  • Саҳифалар сони287

Maqolada Temuriylar davlati hukmdori Sulton Abusaid mirzo va Mo‗g‗uliston xoni Yunusxon o‗rtasidagi munosabatlar tarixiy manbalar asosida tahlil etilib, ushbu masalaga oid bir qator mulohazalar bildirilgan


В статье на основе исторических источников проанализированы отношения между Султаном Абусаидом мирзо и ханом Моголистана Юнусханом и высказаны некоторые размышления по этому вопросу.


In the article there were analyzedthe relations between Sultan Abusaid Mirza – the ruler of Temurids‘ state and khan of Mongolia Yunuskhan on the basis of historical sources and some opinions on this issue were narrated

Муаллифнинг исми Лавозими Ташкилот номи
1 Usmonov B.. Senior lecturer, Department of History Fergana State University
Ҳавола номи
1 [1]. Mirza Muhammad Haidar. Tarikhi Rashidi / Introduction, translated from Persian by A. Urunbaeva, R.P. Djalilov, L. M. Epifanov, notes by R.P. Djalilov andL.M. Epifanov – T.: Fan. 1996; Muhammad Haidar Mirza. Tarikhi Rashidiy / The author and interpreter of words and comments V. Rahmonov and Y. Egamova. –T .: Sharq. 2010.
2 [2]. Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur. Baburname / prepared for publish by P. Shamshiev– T.: Yulduzcha. 1989.
3 [3]. Ahmedov B. Ulughbek. – T.: Yosh Gvardiya. 1989.
4 [4]. Bartold V.V. The Sketches of the History of Seven Rivers. – Frunze: Kirgizgosizdat, 1943.
5 [5]. Ahmedov B. Amir Temur‘s Memory. – T.: Uzbekistan. 1996.
6 [6]. Abdurrazzak Samarkandiy. Matla' Us-sa'dayn and majma'ul-bahrayn/ The author of the translation from Persian and commentaries is a doctor of historical sciences A. Urinbaev. – T.: Uzbekistan. 2008.