In the article there were analyzedthe relations between Sultan Abusaid Mirza – the ruler of Temurids‘ state and khan of Mongolia Yunuskhan on the basis of historical sources and some opinions on this issue were narrated
Maqolada Temuriylar davlati hukmdori Sulton Abusaid mirzo va Mo‗g‗uliston xoni Yunusxon o‗rtasidagi munosabatlar tarixiy manbalar asosida tahlil etilib, ushbu masalaga oid bir qator mulohazalar bildirilgan
В статье на основе исторических источников проанализированы отношения между Султаном Абусаидом мирзо и ханом Моголистана Юнусханом и высказаны некоторые размышления по этому вопросу.
In the article there were analyzedthe relations between Sultan Abusaid Mirza – the ruler of Temurids‘ state and khan of Mongolia Yunuskhan on the basis of historical sources and some opinions on this issue were narrated
№ | Муаллифнинг исми | Лавозими | Ташкилот номи |
1 | Usmonov B.. | Senior lecturer, Department of History | Fergana State University |
№ | Ҳавола номи |
1 | [1]. Mirza Muhammad Haidar. Tarikhi Rashidi / Introduction, translated from Persian by A. Urunbaeva, R.P. Djalilov, L. M. Epifanov, notes by R.P. Djalilov andL.M. Epifanov – T.: Fan. 1996; Muhammad Haidar Mirza. Tarikhi Rashidiy / The author and interpreter of words and comments V. Rahmonov and Y. Egamova. –T .: Sharq. 2010. |
2 | [2]. Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur. Baburname / prepared for publish by P. Shamshiev– T.: Yulduzcha. 1989. |
3 | [3]. Ahmedov B. Ulughbek. – T.: Yosh Gvardiya. 1989. |
4 | [4]. Bartold V.V. The Sketches of the History of Seven Rivers. – Frunze: Kirgizgosizdat, 1943. |
5 | [5]. Ahmedov B. Amir Temur‘s Memory. – T.: Uzbekistan. 1996. |
6 | [6]. Abdurrazzak Samarkandiy. Matla' Us-sa'dayn and majma'ul-bahrayn/ The author of the translation from Persian and commentaries is a doctor of historical sciences A. Urinbaev. – T.: Uzbekistan. 2008. |