The paper presents a broad overview of various approaches adopted in the field of historiography . It also discusses the merits and demerits of the major schools of thought and proposes a new methodology for the study of history within the framework of the proposed Twenty-First Century school of Historiography.

  • Ўқишлар сони 235
  • Нашр санаси 02-09-2018
  • Мақола тилиIngliz
  • Саҳифалар сони150

: Ushbu maqola tarixshunoslik sohasida qabul qilingan turli xil yondashuvlar va qarashlarga bag’ishlangan. Shuningdek maqolada XXI asr tarixshunoslik maktablarining asosiy fikr va maqsadlarini, tarixshunoslikni o’rganishdagi qo’llanilayotgan asosiy metodlar va yo’nalishlarni ko’rib chiqiladi.


Статья посвящена широкий обзор различных подходов, принятых в области историографии. В нем также рассматриваются достоинства и недостатки основных научных школ и цели новой методологии для изучения истории в рамках предлагаемой школы двадцать первое века историография


The paper presents a broad overview of various approaches adopted in the field of historiography . It also discusses the merits and demerits of the major schools of thought and proposes a new methodology for the study of history within the framework of the proposed Twenty-First Century school of Historiography.

Муаллифнинг исми Лавозими Ташкилот номи
1 Radjabov . . Master student, Department of worldwide history, , National University of Uzbekistan
Ҳавола номи
1 D. Gaur, Essays in History and Historiography, Anmol Publications, New Delhi, 1995
2 Conal Furay and Michael J.Salevouris: The methods and skills of writing history. A Practical Guide. London. Third edition. 2010
3 Peter Burke, French Historical Revolution: The Annales School 1929-89 (1990), Polity Press.Paris.2008
4 Bruce Mazlish, ‘The meaning of Karl Marx’, New York, Oxford University Press.2009.
5 . Shermukhamedova N. Methodology of scientific researches. T.:2014.