In this article was given information about the meaning of words in Arabic and the relationship between the letters contained in these words and interpretation of the opinions of Arab linguists on how words affect the meaning of the word.

  • Ўқишлар сони 349
  • Нашр санаси 01-01-2019
  • Мақола тилиIngliz
  • Саҳифалар сони704

Maqolada arab tilidagi so‘zlarning ma‘nolari va ushbu so‘zlar tarkibidan joy olgan harflar o‘rtasidagi o‘zaro bogliqlikka oid ma‘lumotlar hamda harflarning so‘z ma‘nosiga qanday ta‘sir o‘tkazishi bo‘yicha arab tilshunoslarining bildirgan fikr-mulohazalarining sharhi keltirilgan.


В данном статье даѐтся информация значения арабских слов и взаимосвязь между буквами, содержащимися в этих словах и толкование мнений арабских лингвистов о том, как слова влияют на значение слова.


In this article was given information about the meaning of words in Arabic and the relationship between the letters contained in these words and interpretation of the opinions of Arab linguists on how words affect the meaning of the word.

Муаллифнинг исми Лавозими Ташкилот номи
1 Makhmudova D.J. Lecturer, Arabic philology department Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies
Ҳавола номи
1 [1]. Kodirov T.Sh., Aliyev D.I. The lexicology of Arabic language. –Tashkent., 2010.
2 أبو انرتيعي. اذفاق اليثاَي و اخدالف انًعاَ].[2 Agreement. i‘Robiy-Ar Abu buildings of and different meanings.)
3 [3]. (سرواٌ عبد انظاهر انجُثي. اانصذماق عٌد اتٍ الجَي.- كوفح Janabiy-Al Abduzzahra Sirvanat Derivation.
4 [4]. 1956 ،.رجِانكا.-انخصائص. يٌانجٌ اب)Ibn Jinniy. Characteristics. – Cairo., 1956.)