This article clarified the specific features of the Khorezm eposes and proper nouns with pecularities. This article highlighted the research results collected from more than fifty of Khorezm eposes. The author analysed the content and substitutional meaning of the consistuent parts of the proper nouns, especially names of the people. Moreover, this article gave a wide range of information on the ethimology, usage, lexic, morphologic and syntactic pecularities of the Khorezm eposes‘ language. Furthermore, the author analyzed the different names with gender features, the elements that expresses the people‘s gender by means of giving examples from the masterpieces of the Khorezm eposes, especially in dastans.
This article clarified the specific features of the Khorezm eposes and proper nouns with pecularities. This article highlighted the research results collected from more than fifty of Khorezm eposes. The author analysed the content and substitutional meaning of the consistuent parts of the proper nouns, especially names of the people. Moreover, this article gave a wide range of information on the ethimology, usage, lexic, morphologic and syntactic pecularities of the Khorezm eposes‘ language. Furthermore, the author analyzed the different names with gender features, the elements that expresses the people‘s gender by means of giving examples from the masterpieces of the Khorezm eposes, especially in dastans.
В данной статье выяснены особенности хорезмских эпосов и имен собственных с особенностями. В этой статье освещены результаты исследований, собранные более чем из пятидесяти хорезмских эпосов. Автор проанализировал содержание и замещающее значение составных частей имен собственных, особенно имен людей. Кроме того, эта статья дала широкий спектр информации об этиологии, использовании, лексике, морфологии и синтаксических особенностях языка хорезмских эпосов. Кроме того, автор проанализировал различные имена с гендерными особенностями, элементами, которые выражают пол людей, посредством примеров из шедевров хорезмских эпосов, особенно на дастанах.
Ushbu maqola Xorazm eposining o'ziga xos xususiyatlarini va o'ziga xos nomlarni o'ziga xos xususiyatlari bilan izohlaydi. Ushbu maqolada ellikdan ortiq Xorazm eposidan to'plangan tadqiqot natijalari aks etgan. Yozuvchi nomlarning tarkibiy qismlari, ayniqsa, odamlarning nomlari mazmunini va o'rnini baholashni tahlil qildi. Bundan tashqari, ushbu maqola Xorazm eposi tilining etiologiyasi, ishlatilishi, so'z boyligi, morfologiyasi va sintaktik xususiyatlari haqida keng ma'lumot olish imkonini berdi. Bundan tashqari, muallif turli xil nomlarni gender xususiyatlariga, odamlarning jinsini ifodalaydigan unsurlarga, Xorazm eposlarining asarlari misollari, ayniqsa, dostonlar ustida tahlil qiladi.
№ | Муаллифнинг исми | Лавозими | Ташкилот номи |
1 | Olloyorov K.M. | PhD of Philosophy, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Uzbek Linguistics | UrDU |
2 | Khudayberganova D.M. | PhD student | UrDU |
№ | Ҳавола номи |
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