The simplified statistical linear model of the object under study is developed on the basis of experimental and statistical studies of the technological process of crushing the cottonseed of an oil extraction plant using the experimental design method. The analysis of the homogeneity of the dispersion, the significance of the coefficients of the linear model and the adequacy of the resulting model.

  • Ўқишлар сони 208
  • Нашр санаси 03-06-2019
  • Мақола тилиIngliz
  • Саҳифалар сони47

Yоg‗ ekstraksiyasi zavodidagi paxta chigitini yanchish texnologik jarayonini tajribali-statistik izlanishlar asosida mazkur jarayonning soddalashgan chiziqli statistik modeli tajribani rejalashtirish metodidan foydalanib qurildi. Tajriba-statistik ma‘lumotlar dispersiyasini bir jinsliligi, chiziqli modelning koeffitsientlarini ishonchliligi va modelning jarayonga adekvatligi tahlil qilindi.


The simplified statistical linear model of the object under study is developed on the basis of experimental and statistical studies of the technological process of crushing the cottonseed of an oil extraction plant using the experimental design method. The analysis of the homogeneity of the dispersion, the significance of the coefficients of the linear model and the adequacy of the resulting model.


На основе экспериментально-статистических исследований технологического процесса дробления семени хлопчатника маслоэкстракционного производства разрабатывается упрошенная статистическая линейной модель исследуемого объекта с помощью метода планирования эксперимента. Проведен анализ однородности дисперсии, значимости коэффициентов линейной модели и адекватность полученной модели

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